
Icecat Free Vendor Central Program Overview

Below is an overview of key participants in Icecat’s Free Vendor Central Program. In short, Icecat offers a free-of-charge content delivery platform called Free Vendor Central. This product information management (PIM) platform is for the suppliers of the participating retailers and distributors in the Icecat Vendor Central Program.

How does this work? Firstly, participants invite their supplier brands to use Icecat Vendor Central for content ingestion. Next, the invited supplier brands register and add their product information to the multilingual Icecat PIM, Vendor Central. Content can be added via our editorial interface, via templates for bulk upload, or automated via a direct API connection. Most importantly, their standardized content is then automatically ingested by selected partners. That is their commitment. Finally, brands get insights into their brand’s Data Health and relative Brand Rank.

Easy registration for Vendor Central

It is easy to register in three steps for Free Vendor Central:

  • First, go to to sign up for your free Icecat account.
  • Secondly confirm your e-mail address.
  • Thirdly, contact Icecat to assign your brand to your account.

In addition, you can watch the video “How to Register for Icecat’s Free Vendor Central?

Program overview of all partners

These partners chose Icecat because it’s globally the No 1 content syndicator, according to SimilarWeb. Please see the list below of all active participating partners in the Vendor Central Program Overview. Consequently, the list is updated with new partners. We have split the list up into three categories:
– Global Market Places
– Retailers
– Distributors

Category: Global Marketplaces


Global Roll-Out with Icecat. AliExpress informs its suppliers and manufacturers to upload product content to Vendor Central.


The new Amazon API allows brands to publish their product content directly on Amazon via Icecat.


Icecat can help you with content feed for “From the manufacturer pages by Google” with Vendor Central or Service Level Agreement.

Category: Retailers

DMI Computer

Radio Popular

Category: Distributors



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Managing Director of Icecat, MSc. in International Finance, investor via E-nvest., ex- IBM, PwC, McKinsey

Emre Tan

Managing Director of Icecat, MSc. in International Finance, investor via E-nvest., ex- IBM, PwC, McKinsey

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