LEGO Boosts Conversion Rate With Enhanced Product Stories in the UK, Benelux, DACH region, and Italy

lego boosts conversion rates

LEGO makes enhanced Product Stories freely available via Icecat for all of its authorized retailers in Benelux, the DACH region, the United Kingdom, and Italy. These Product Stories contain a selection of multimedia digital assets. For example, video, feature logos and explanations, 3D objects, and an image gallery. See, for example, the video below.

LEGO Product Stories create a better online shopping experience with this enhanced product content. Because by integrating the LEGO Product Stories, online visitors start to get close to the feeling of holding the actual box in their hands.

Product Stories have a responsive design. The Icecat LIVE interface adapts automatically to different product devices such as tablets, smartphones, and laptops.

Icecat sees an increment in the supply of enhanced Product Stories on the brand side. And on the retail side, rapid adoption of this enhanced content happens. Such enhanced product content gives a great e-commerce experience to consumers. And, therefore we expect an increase in the conversation rate of online shoppers.

Rene Rozendal, Director of Toys at Icecat

How to integrate LEGO Product Stories?

First of all, as a LEGO Authorized Reseller, ask your Icecat account manager to authorize you for LEGO in the Icecat database. Next, integrating LEGO Product Stories and including rich media is easy to do by adding just a few lines of Icecat LIVE code to an e-commerce website. What is Icecat LIVE? Icecat LIVE is a free service that enables you to easily insert real-time product content using a few lines of JavaScript. “Product Stories” is simply one container in the Icecat LIVE granular call API. Of course, a manual is available on integrating Icecat LIVE. Additionally, one can find the enhanced content tagged as “Product Stories” in the Icecat data exports. Besides, the Icecat Toy team is available to guide you through each step of the integration process and can show many successful examples.

Unsurprisingly, the adoption of Product Stories is increasing rapidly. We expect that within a few months the majority of LEGO authorized resellers will be onboarded. Who did it already? Benelux examples are FUN and Bricksdirect, who just did it within a few hours.

Pushing LEGO Product Stories to Google Manufacturing Center

Icecat pushes the Product Stories to Google MfC as well, given that Icecat is an authorized Integration Service Provider for Google Manufacturer Center (MfC). In return, Google MfC provides LEGO with valuable insights into its brand performance in search and shopping.

Register and more info?

Do you need help or want more information about LEGO’s enhanced Product Stores? Then, please register here or contact the Icecat toy team directly.

Chief Business Development Officer - Initiator of the Icecat toys data model together with the toy industry

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