JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is an increasingly popular means of transferring data, comparable to XML. Under the hood, we use it in Icecat Live’s JavaScript applications. The main advantages of JSON are that it’s more efficient in data transfer and compatible with JavaScript applications requiring JSON. This manual explains the Open Icecat JSON product requests (Pull-API) call formats and the output. For Full Icecat JSON, we refer to the general Icecat JSON manual.
If you want to integrate product data without frames conforming to your CSS, then use Icecat Live, which is the modern variant of the good-old URL integration method. If you want full control over the data, make use of the XML or CSV download methods. See the overview of methods and manuals.
Do you want to add product reviews? Then check out our reviews manual. If you’re looking to push brand product data to Icecat, check out the Push-API (JSON) manual. Further, check out the Add-On page for popular platforms already integrating Icecat data.
You can access the JSON interface by all Icecat Data (XML, CSV, or JSON) users with at least an Open Icecat account. Open Icecat users can access the data of the sponsoring brands. Full Icecat users can access the data of all brands in the Icecat database.
However attractive the free Open Icecat database is, the Full-Icecat database still contains many more brands. If you want to include specific brands in free Open Icecat, please, recommend Icecat to your manufacturer contacts.
Read more about the main advantages of Full Icecat over free Open Icecat and see the Icecat Subscription Plans.
If you want to upgrade to Full Icecat, please contact us via the contact form, or click on the “request Full Icecat access” link after the User Login.
The user of Open Icecat product data, in a free Open Icecat subscription or as part of the Full Icecat data, requires to respect the Open Icecat Fair Use Policy.
Explicitly relevant for website development is:
Apart from JSON, Icecat is compliant with an increasing number of international standards. See here a quick overview of such supported standards.
Before elaborating on the generic JSON structures, it’s good to look into examples. Below are some examples of real-time Icecat JSON product requests based on different product identifiers. You can dynamically construct such links for your applications using your Icecat user name and the product identifiers known by your system.
1. ProductCode & Brand = Brand product code + the brand name:
2. GTIN = the GTIN (EAN, UPC or JAN) bar code:
The third method will require a bit more complex integration, as you have to read first the Icecat index files to obtain the Icecat product IDs. More information regarding index files can be found here. Recommended in case of large-scale integrations in which you want to predict for which products Icecat has product data or not.
3. icecat_id = Numerical product identifier in Icecat catalog (take from Icecat index files):
The general URL structure is:– product code & the brand’s name:
– GTIN (EAN, UPC or JAN code):
– Icecat ID:
Generally, the JSON REST service operates with the following Content parameters:
Here is the request structure:
https://live.icecat.biz/api?icecat_id=12462305&UserName=openIcecat-live&Language=EN&Content={content parameter}*
* you should enter the content parameter you need
See also Digital Asset Types as Represented in Icecat’s Open Catalog Interfaces.
Once you enter any request, for example,https://live.icecat.biz/api?icecat_id=12462305&UserName=openIcecatlive&Language=EN&Content=Multimedia you can get two results:
If the request succeeds, the server responds with a 200 OK HTTP status code and the data properties:
JSON ____________________________________________________________________ 200 OK { message: ‘OK’, ‘data’ : { ‘multimedia’: [ { ‘ID’: , // product identifier ‘URL’: , ‘Type’: , ‘ContentType’: , ‘KeepAsUrl’: , 'Description': , ‘Size’: , (optional) // in bytes ‘IsPrivate’: , (optional) // 0/1 or true/false ‘Updated’ : , (optional) ‘Language’: , // language code or locale code (if ambiguous) `isVideo`: // 0/1 or true/false },] }, }
If mandatory fields weren’t filled in, the server responds with 404 HTTP status and the corresponding error message:
JSON ____________________________________________________________________ 404 Not Found { Status code:1 Message: "Error: UserName, lang are mandatory fields" }
When content, for example, multimedia object (MMO), is absent and product is sponsored(Open catalog), the server responds with a 200 OK HTTP status code:
JSON ____________________________________________________________________ 200 OK { message: ‘OK’, ‘data’ : { 'Multimedia': [] } }
If the request is failed due to any reason mentioned above (see ‘Data retrieving algorithm’),the server responds with 404 HTTP status and with the corresponding error message:
JSON ___________________________________________________________________ 404 Not Found { message : “Shop The Icecat user is unknown” }
This is a live example from our database:
JSON ___________________________________________________________________ message:"OK", • data: { • Multimedia: [ • { • IcecatID:"1978657", • URL:"https://objects.icecat.biz/objects/12462305_1978657.mp4", • Type:"video/mp4", • ContentType:"video/mp4", • KeepAsUrl:0, • Description:"Video", • Size:"14623468", • IsPrivate:0*, • Updated:1426261310, • Language:"EN", • isVideo:1 }, • { • IcecatID:"1978658", • URL:"https://objects.icecat.biz/objects/12462305_1978658.mp4", • Type:"video/mp4", • ContentType:"video/mp4", • KeepAsUrl:0, • Description:"Video", • Size:"22487335", • IsPrivate:0, • Updated:1426261310, • Language:"EN", • isVideo:1 }, • { • IcecatID:"1978659", • URL:"https://objects.icecat.biz/objects/12462305_1978659.mp4", • Type:"video/mp4", • ContentType:"video/mp4", • KeepAsUrl:0, • Description:"Video", • Size:"20575036", • IsPrivate:0, • Updated:1426261310, • Language:"EN", • isVideo:1 }, • { • IcecatID:"2142148", • URL:"https://objects.icecat.biz/objects/12462305_2319.swf", • Type:"360", • ContentType:"application/x-shockwave-flash", • KeepAsUrl:0, • Description:"360", • Size:"776006", • IsPrivate:0, • Updated:1426261310, • Language:"EN", • isVideo:0 } ], • demoAccount:false } }
In case the user wants to download JSON files of the Full Icecat product(s), he needs to make sure that his IP is whitelisted for the relevant Full Icecat user, and he requests the JSON files using App-Key. IP can be whitelisted by the user himself via the Icecat website. App-Key is the Icecat internal entity that we can provide on-demand for Full Icecat users. Users can request it from the relevant Icecat manager or general contact form.
URL structures to request Full Icecat products JSON files are the same as for Open Icecat products described above, the only difference is that in the case of the Full Icecat products, URL structure should end with &app_key=….
Full Icecat users can get app_key from the Icecat portal on “My Profile”
Note!: ‘IsPrivate:1′ means that this (asset) belongs to our private database, which is accessible for authorized resellers only. ‘IsPrivate:0’ means that no further authorization is required to access the asset(s) involved.
You can see all the error messages that you can get while using JSON files from Icecat via the following link
Read further: Manuals, JSON, product data-sheet
Can we get examples or point us to it for retrieving products specifications of a product based on group (design, processortype, package containing, etc).
You will have first to download the specs of all products in a given category to populate your database, before you can run queries on single attributes.
How can I make request with a valid username?
Hi Marco,
Thanks for your interest in our service. A colleague of mine will contact you shortly via email.
Hello, I have exactly the same question : How can I make request with a valid username in JSON? (No problem with the XML) In your Manual, you talk about UserName but never about password : http(s)://live.icecat.biz/api/?UserName=&Language=&Content=>IN= it’s work but i read in the json object “Demo user…please get un account…”
In Xml we use a context for the authentication.. But in json it’s doesn’t work :o(
Is there a Manual somewhere on your site ? I found this : https://iceclog.com/manual-for-icecat-json-product-requests/ but no password.. only userName :o(
Can you help me ?
Sorry for my broken english
Dear Perin In case of JSON call password is not required. You can use Open Icecat products data with only the user name. However, not sponsored products (Full Icecat) should be requested using App-Key. This is our internal entity which we can provide on demand once user signs Full Icecat contract.
Currently all you examples just return: {“statusCode”:1,”message”:”UserName, lang are mandatory fields”}
In your examples you have “language” as required field, but even switching between lang/language does not fix the situation.
Br, –Jani
Dear Jani,
One of my colleagues will contact you shortly to help you solve the problem.
Kind Regards, Laura
i have one DB with Product code or Part number for example D-Link -> DGS-1210-24 How can i get the Icecat code to this part number for example? i have the possibility the get code with URL or JSON.
Dear Javier,
The responsible account manager for this will contact you soon to answer your questions.
Hi Icecat,
do you have plans to support multiple languages in a single request? Currently, I need to work around that with one call per language but that’s neither efficient nor nice :-)
Best, Martin
Yes, Martin. We are working on that.
Is there a way to determine of I receive dutch or english texts, when requesting a product with the dutch language code.
For example, when I try to get dutch texts for a specific product http://live.icecat.biz/api/?UserName=openIcecat-live&Language=nl&icecat_id=33593119
I get english texts for the fields LongDesc and the Description field of some of the Features. (for example feature with ID:292392349, CategoryFeatureId: 50596 and CategoryFeatureGroupID: 6675.
The texts are in english, but there is no Language field/flag available to determine if they are in English or in Dutch.
Hope to hear from you soon, Kind regards, Jeroen
Hi Jeroen, In XML, we have these language codes for marketing text. In JSON, it’s on the roadmap to add it.
What is sts code of philips HTD5520/94
Can you send us a resource for STS codes? We are not familiar with this one.
Good afternoon. I bought access to full cat. but when a request is formed, for example, for a product Huawei S1700-28FR-2T2P-AC switch, “he requested XML data-sheet is not described in the Icecat” is returned, although the product is in the ice cat. what could be the problem?
Dear Dmitry, as you can see on our frontpage in the embed section, there are working links to download the respective data. https://icecat.biz/en/xml?productId=14519529
If you use the brand product code in a URL call, please make sure that you have URL encoded the special symbols such as “-“
Is there a way to add or list products with Icecat API or XML? Not only get or fetch data, also add products and listings.
Yes. A simple method: set the upload of a price list via your user account. Advanced is the use of this Push-API: https://iceclog.com/manual-for-icecat-push-api-api-in/ The Push-API requires separate authorization.
I’m trying the JSON command in combination with the EAN code e.g. https://live.icecat.biz/api/?UserName=openIcecat-live&Language=en>IN=0882780751682 This works fine but not for all EAN codes, eg. https://live.icecat.biz/api/?UserName=openIcecat-live&Language=en>IN=5060301694013 does not work,(error: {“statusCode”:4,”message”:”Product identifier(s) is not correct”}) altough the ean code exist in your database. How come?
Hi John, the example is a Full Icecat product. This will require a Full Icecat subscription. With a free Open Icecat account you can access just the data of sponsoring brands. See https://icecat.biz/nl/p/nzxt/rl-krm22-01/computer+liquid+cooling-5060301694013-kraken+m22-52945173.html
gives “msg”: “OK” and some correct data, but in data -> dictionary “demo_insert_desc”: “This is a demo of a seamless insert of an Icecat LIVE product data-sheet in your website. Imagine that this responsive data-sheet is included in the product page of your webshop.”, “demo_msg_part1”: “You are using now a Demo account. Please, use your own Icecat account”, “demo_msg_part2”: “your Icecat login name”, “demo_msg_part3”: “If you don’t have an Icecat account, please register here for free.”,
Is it ok? How to fix it? Thanks!
It looks like that you didn’t use your own username (as XXXXXX) but a default Open Icecat demo account name.
I am using free version now. Is there a way to check whether a specific product is included in the paid version but is not included in the free version?
yes, see http://www.icecat.biz. If you see a sponsoring brand logo the data is available in the Free Open Icecat version.
Thanks for your quick answer. Is there a way to do this via api? Using free version for many items I get response (using ean to match): {“statusCode”:4,”message”:”Produkt Identifikator(en) sind nicht korrekt”}
I would like to have a way to check via api if I upgrade to full version, will there be data for this product or not.
We store information if the brand is the sponsor (Open Icecat) or not in the SuppliersList.xml.gz. This file can be found via the following link: https://data.Icecat.biz/export/freexml/refs/
Further, the country manager of Germany at Icecat will contact you to help you in analyses of your portfolio, so you will know per product which product is in Open Icecat and which one in Full.
Status code “9”, which implies that the respective data-sheet can only be accessed through Full Icecat subscriptions.
Hi. Is there a way to make a request with many products and get the response through the API?
Thanks in advance
Dear Ricardo
It is impossible to make one request and get JSON files for several products but you can make requests simultaneously for up to 100 product data sheets and get JSON files for these products.
Kind regards
Vazha Abramishvili
Can we get EPREL product ID via Ice Cat?
Hello Gatis,
It is possible to exclude it from EPREL link which is available in XMLs. For example: LabelType=”rescaled” EprelLink=”https://eprel.ec.europa.eu/qr/293144″/>
In case of any further questions please contact your local country manager.
Regards, Wouter
Comparing the JSON with the XML request: for the JSON request the ProductPicture in the ProductGallery is not available in the raw format (XML attribute “Original”). Is it planned to add this to JSON and when?
Hi Peer, thanks for your comment. A country manager will contact you asap. Regards, Wouter
Does anyone know if it’s normal that even replacing the name openIcecat-live with my account name in the URL, it still shows up in some dictionary node properties? “demo_msg_part1”: “You are now using a demo account. Use your own Icecat account” ?
In theory I already have my own account
Hi Wineloy, thanks for reaching out. A country manager will contact you asap. Regards, Wouter
Hello, I encountered the same problem that @Wineloy. any solution please?
Is it possible to batch download the images associated with the product ?
Best regards, Hannibal
Hello Hannibal, thanks for your question. Can you please share the product you are trying to test and your username? Then our support team can look into the issue.
Regarding the batch download, there is the possibility to download the bach images per product only via PCF.
May I know how to make a HTTP Get Request for a give EAN number ? Also is there a pre-defined XSD that IceCat provides based on which we can create our model ? Please can you direct me. Thank you in advance.
Hello Udeep, thanks for your comments. Our country manager will contact you today. Regards, Wouter
is it possible to get more then one language per request ? Currently i have to make a call for each Language which slows down the whole process a bit.
Regards Ben
Yes, use for this the so-called INT (locale) directory. This can be found in the XML API. In JSON, it is not (yet) supported.
Thanks for the fast answer, is there any ETA when this will be Supported through JSON API ? We are currently using a extremly modified Version of your Pimcore Bundle Plugin and this worked with JSON from the beginning , so switching from json to xml would have too much impact
Sorry, Ben, we have no ETA for combined multilingual data through JSON. It’s a known wish though. When we have it planned, we will message this.
Is the JSON interface mature enough to use now?
This page (date) suggests it’s been in place for over 6 years now.
I am looking at the following page and getting different results when clicking on the XML product data link and the JSON product data link.
The XML returns data, as expected, but the JSON indicates that it’s using the demo account, even though it has the correct username and api_key in the url.
Is JSON sufficiently robust enough to use now?
The JSON API is robust and is in use by 100s of users. I forwarded your reamrk about the “demo account” to the tech team.
Is JSON considered a mature and robust interface now?
Thanks Martin…
Yes it is
Hello, 1) Is it possible to get a Quality attribute in JSON? 2) Or JSON have some other logic regarding the Quality parameter (IceCat, Supplier, NoEditor)
Dear Miroslavs
There is no Quality attribute in the Product JSON file but we have this information in index file on the product level. So you can identify the quality of the product while you are matching your product list on the Icecat index file.
I’m interested in the new “Manufacturer and EU Representative Contact Information”. At the moment I can not find any example payload with this information.
How do I retrieve the . Manufacturer and EU Representative Contact Information for a product / brand?
Dear Jos
We are busy to add this information to the product JSON and XML files. Also we are busy to create separate file OrganizationList.xml for bulk downloads. The development will be finalized in the middle of February. Meanwhile as the temporary solution you can use SupplierList.xml from the reference files. We put “Brand Owner” and “Representative” in the SupplierList.xml under the tag “CustomerService”
How can I search for products with the ProductCode with special characters? Such as “/”
Brand=apple ProductCode=MQH63LL%2FA (or MQH63LL/A)
Response: { “StatusCode”: 5, “Code”: 403, “Error”: “Forbidden”, “Message”: “You have wrong ip address for access” }
Dear Heron
In case you are making direct XML or JSON %2F is the correct replacement of / In your case problem is different. Actually error message explains it well: “Message”: “You have wrong ip address for access” So what you need to do is whitelist your IP address on your user interface at Icecat portal (www.icecat.biz)
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