New: Real-Time E-commerce Brand Ranking with HP on 1, and Lenovo as vice-leader

icecat brand ranking

For years, we reported brand and category downloads manually, including annual e-channel brand rankings, per category or global. Now, this is finally replaced by bots that are daily publishing our global manufacturing brand statistics. E.g., HP is still our global #1. And from our former vice rank leaders: Acer is now #8, Toshiba is now #11, Philips is now #9 and Samsung is now #3. The current and persistent vice-leader in the global brand ranking is: Lenovo!

Moving time series with timely data

Currently, we show the global rank number of a brand, based on a moving time-series with product data-sheet downloads by consumers and e-commerce business partners over the past 90 days. Further, we show a graph of the past 90 days of the ranking evolution, product data-sheet downloads, and the number of downloading e-commerce platforms. The graph’s period can be changed to the past month (i.e, past 31 days) and week (i.e, past 7 days). We give the total number of downloads per selected period, the total number of a brand’s product data-sheets in our database, and the number of categories that are relevant for the respective brand. As not all products are active anymore, we also show a stat limited to the products that we currently see on the market.

For transparency reasons and as a guideline, we explain which factors influence a brand rank based on downloads, and thus what actions a brand could take to improve its e-channel ranking.

Next: brand rank evolution and consumer views

It’s our ambition to expand the brand ranking each sprint, and gradually transform it into a brand dashboard that provides even more powerful insights. In the next sprint, we focus on integrating the brand rank pages in the flow of our icecat catalog, add a rank# toggle to only show the evolution of the brand rank#, toggle between consumer views and retailer downloads, and show a stat about the number of unique platforms accessing a brand’s data.

Founder and CEO of Icecat NV. Investor. Ph.D.

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