How to Make a Webshop More Efficient?

Avatar for Anna Khimonenko
How to make a webshop more efficient

This post will highlight four points to make a webshop more efficient.

Make your website mobile friendly

Companies spend a lot of time creating great web store displays on computer screens. But as statistics show, more and more people buy from the mobile version. We recommend you go to your web store site and check how your content looks. You might see an “Accept Cookies” popup that takes up half of the home screen and live chat. Your customers may want sections like special offers or the most popular products to take up more space than cookies. Also, make sure that your site loads in less than 3 seconds, otherwise there is a risk that the user will close the tab.

Make use of product reviews

Product reviews provide insight into product quality and usage and show that your web store is trusted and used by other people. To give you some ideas, you can ask users to leave a review by sending a request email a few days after purchase or offering another form of encouragement. For example, Google Maps sends updates about how many people have viewed your review. In this case, users see confirmation that their feedback is important.

In Increase assortment

But before increasing assortment, do not forget about focus and branding. For example, if your store sells devices, it would be a natural idea to start selling electronics or accessories. Adding furniture to the assortment is also an option, but your brand’s positioning also needs to be changed.


A great team is a key requirement for the success of any project. But when working with a lot of data, there is no guarantee that the human factors will not have an impact, especially regarding stock/price changes and product content. Maintaining up-to-date information on more than 10,000 products every day is almost impossible. Or you have to keep hiring people to do it. So this is your sign to learn more about PIM and ERP systems.

Study user’s behavior

No one can tell you better about the improvements you need in your store than your users. You can ask your customers for feedback after purchase or simply check the behavior analytics of users using online tools. There are multiple free data solutions available.

Avatar for Anna Khimonenko

Product Owner of PIM at Iceshop

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