Cooler Master offers free, rich product content

FireShot Screen Capture #010 - 'Product data-sheet Cooler Master NotePal Erg_' - uk_icecat_biz_en_p_cooler-master_r9-nbs-e32k-gp_notebook-cooling-pad

Cooler Master is now providing its Benelux and Nordics channel partners with free standardized product information including some rich media. Via Open Icecat, Cooler Master’s channel partners can get the newest product information automatically in their webshops, PIMs or ERPs.

“Cooperating with Icecat was for Cooler Master a natural step. As almost all our main channel partners use Icecat as their content provider. Icecat has a proven track record in offering cost-effective product information to the channel”, says Ally Chiang Region Manager Benelux & Nordics at Cooler Master.

Cooler Master is a global computer components company with a more than 20 year track record in releasing innovative products that truly advance the industry. They are committed to bringing its customers and fans the utmost in choice and control.

Read more about Icecat’s newest partnership here.

Improve conversion by adding expert reviews and product videos

Nowadays, the consumer is on the lookout for additional information before making a purchase decision. And how can a customer be sure that he or she is making the right choice? Expert reviews and videos are effective tools, as they are one of the key influencers of buying decisions.

Cooler Master is one of the brands whose product data-sheets have experts reviews and product videos available for users to include in their webshops.

FireShot Screen Capture #009 - 'Review Cooler Master NotePal ErgoStand 3 - Notebook Cooler_Stand - page 1 of 3' - www_testseek_co_uk_computers_noteboo

“As most e-commerce sites, still only feature basic product data, it’s smart to start piloting with rich media”, according to Icecat CSO Erik Snijders, “to learn how that influences shopper conversion, and what’s the best way to integrate such materials in an ecommerce website. We provide already big databases with reviews (Testseek) and  product videos and see a growing demand.”

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