How to Maximize the Return On Investment on Product Content?

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How to Maximize the ROI of Product Content

Downloadable product content, such as white papers and industry reports, takes a lot of time to prepare and produce. But, to make all this worth it, gathering insights is needed to optimize the ROI of such content. Answering the following questions helps to gain insights:

  • How many people downloaded the digital content? 
  • How many of the visitors actually read the content? 
  • Which pages and topics do visitors spend the most time on?
  • How often do people share the content? 

Online interactive content is the new black

PDFs are dead. PDFs lack all modern requirements for measurability, interactivity, and dynamic content. The only available metric is the number of downloads. Therefore, it is a challenge to improve, optimize or measure PDF engagement. Online interactive white papers, eBooks, proposals, product brochures, and videos are the next-generation format that can supercharge a brand’s content marketing strategy. With modern web technology, these are trackable assets and they also allow personalization. 
Therefore, many brands switch from PDF to interactive product content to engage their audience. This helps them generate trackable leads and thus they can better understand the contribution of their product content to overall marketing ROI.

Popular Types of Interactive Product Content

Spending on product content has increased over the past 12 months and is indicative of a transformation in the digital world. More money spent on content means brands are putting more effort into catching prospects’ eyes and increasing their ROI expectations. Quality content is critical throughout the whole customer journey. 

1. Interactive white papers 

White papers are long-form, technical pieces of content to position a company as a thought leader. Online specialist shoppers consider white papers to be one of the most valuable content formats in the buying process.

2. Digital magazines and reports

Digital magazines and reports are highly versatile. Companies use these for sales collateral, internal staff magazines, and even event magazines. Digital magazines are mobile-friendly and can be measured and optimized. Something that is not possible with print magazines. Digital magazines and reports allow a company to monitor average reading time, the percentage of people who get to the last page, social media engagement, and much more. 

3. Multimedia newsletters

Many companies are freeing newsletters from the classic constraints of email and turn them into enhanced content experiences instead. Multimedia newsletters support for example video, embedded forms, smart Calls To Action, and can comfortably facilitate longer content. But, personalized digital newsletters distributed to different target groups ensure better engagement and enable gathering rich insights about a reader’s behavior and preferences.

4. Enhanced product content

Compelling product descriptions will explain what a product is about but does not tell why an online visitor should buy it. Adding enhanced content provides useful information for the visitor. For example, while adding video, hero images, and reasons-to-buy, visitors will inch closer to the feeling of holding the product in their hand. To conclude, this will be key for the conversion rate on product pages.

Avatar for Wouter Maatman

Digital Marketing Manager at Icecat N.V.

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