Brands Can Upload CE Marking Images For in Icecat


Since the 25th of April 2022, has required brands to send an image of the CE marking of each product in their product data. Brands can now also deliver the CE marking to Icecat and upload it to the Icecat platform. Icecat will syndicate the content to the version 7 API. 

The CE mark indicates that a product meets safety, health, and environmental requirements, and is even mandatory for most products marketed in the European Union (EU), such as toys, electronics, and medical products. requires each brand to provide a CE mark for their products to ensure reliable product information and compliance with relevant regulations.

The mark is a well-known symbol that must be affixed to a product or a data plate. Manufacturers are required to display the CE marking on the product itself, but if that is not technically feasible, they may display it on the product packaging or accompanying documentation.

How to upload the CE mark to Icecat?

The Icecat platform supports PDF file types. There are three ways to add the CE Marking:

  1. Send us a list with CE markings (mention 1. MPN 2. image or pdf of the CE marking)
  2. Log in to your Vendor Central account and add the image or PDF manually for your product(s) in the “Multi Media Object” IMAGE INCLUDED IN THE DOCUMENT. A video tutorial on uploading images to your products in the Icecat PIM is available. 
  3. When your company is making use of our API to update your content in our systems, the following tag should be added for products that have a CE marking:
LangId: 1
Link: ""
ShortDescr: "CE Marking"
Type: "other digital assets"

If a brand already uses Icecat then the content can be added to the feed. Icecat will then syndicate the content to the marketplace. In case a brand does not comply with the CE regulations, will take the brand’s respective product offline.

Interested in syndicating product content to Then please register here, or in case of any questions, please contact us directly via the website.

Chief Business Development Officer - Initiator of the Icecat toys data model together with the toy industry

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