Icecat Present At ToysMilano Event On April 16 and 17

ToysMilano Attendence

Icecat will visit the upcoming ToysMilano event on April 16 and 17th, 2023, to meet the Italian toy industry.

Italian Market 

Icecat is the global market leader in product content syndication. Icecat has hundreds of ecommere users in Italy and works with more than 100+ toy brands.

What is the ToysMilano Event About?

Toys Milano is an innovative opportunity for toy industry professionals to connect “a one-of-a-kind event in Italy”. For two days, businesses can showcase their flagship products and services and meet people from the toy industry who want to stay on top of what’s new in preparation for the coming Holiday Season.

Why Attend the ToysMilano Event?

Attending the Toys Event in Milan provides an excellent opportunity to meet and network with industry professionals worldwide. René Rozendal and Styve Larossa are attending Toys Milano to meet new and existing brands to promote Icecat’s solutions. If you like to book a meeting with René and Styve, please contact them via LinkedIn. 

Chief Business Development Officer - Initiator of the Icecat toys data model together with the toy industry

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