
Brand Monitor 2020: HP Tops with 1.3 Billion Product Data-sheet Requests

The demand for product content is expanding rapidly. In 2021, HP is again number one as a brand in terms of product data-sheet (PDS) downloads by the e-commerce channel. Icecat serviced over 1.3 billion PDS requests for HP datasheets, i.e., product data requests through searches, downloads, or otherwise in the global Icecat catalog. These 1.3 billion requests for one brand are a record! Further, Samsung remains number two just before Lenovo. Next, are Hewlett Packard Enterprise, DELL, Philips, Asus, Acer, Apple, and Sony, completing the Icecat top 10 brands.

Icecat Brand Monitor

In short, Icecat continuously ranks all 27,000+ brands in its database. These rankings are based on billions of annual PDS downloads by channel partners, and direct views by consumers. A lower brand rank number means a better score. The better the brand rank, the more views or downloads a brand needs to improve.

See Brand Rank Monitor of HP

Brand Average Review Score

Icecat also publishes a Brand Average Review Score, including the total number of reviews that contribute to the score calculation. We do this for reasons of transparency. Similar to how we visualize other insights, such as data visualization per country. The daily updated statistic is also available for Testseek XML API users by default.

The Icecat Brand Rank Page is the first user of this new feature. Want to know how the Brand Average Review Score is calculated? We explain this in a separate post.


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