L’Oréal Paris Leads Non-Tech Brand Monitor October

H1-2022 results

During October, L’Oréal Paris is the best ranked non-tech brand in terms of product data-sheet downloads by the e-commerce channel. During this month, Icecat serviced a total of 1.3 billion data-sheet requests.

Bestway, active in outdoor pools en spas, is the number two non-tech brand. And, followed by Maybelline, Adidas, Garnier, Crocfol, HERMA, Nike, VTech, and Spinmaster to complete the Icecat top 10 Non-Tech brands.

Brand Rank Monitor

Icecat continuously ranks all 27,000+ brands in its database. These rankings are based on billions of annual product data-sheet (PDS) downloads by channel partners and views by consumers. In this way, we can determine the top non-tech brand. A lower brand rank number means a better score. The better the brand rank, the more views or downloads a brand needs to improve on the ranking.

In total there are more than 3,700 L’Oréal Paris products in the Icecat catalogue. From those, 3,393 are currently active on the market. And these products are downloaded by users from most countries in the world. For each brand, we make a heatmap available that shows from which countries the users downloaded the product content. The country rank is based on views and downloads of the past 90 days.

How to improve one’s brand rank?

In short, to improve on the brand rank one must consider action regarding the number of active products, completeness score of product datasheets, channel coverage, quantity and quality of product reviews, and an open content policy. Also, the number of unique products, product popularity, and stock availability will influence the brand ranking.

Want to know more? Check first your own brand’s global rank. Next, contact your local account manager or contact Icecat directly.

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