
TM Essentials adds its Products to Icecat Toys Data Model

Toys company TM Essentials, that develops craft items to promote children’s creativity and mobility skills, adds its brands Totum and Bambolino to the Icecat Toys Data Model.

Toys Data Model benefits brands

“It was an easy choice for TM Essentials to make its product information available in the Open Icecat catalog. Many of our partners already use the toys data model. It offers benefits like the automated supply of our product information to our partners, and an increase in our online visibility”, says Kees Leenders, Sales Director of TM Essentials.

In addition, currently, there are around 200 Bambolino product data-sheets (PDSs) and 169 Totum PDSs.

Usage Open Icecat increases

After the busy network event for the toys industry last spring, new users are adopting Icecat’s Toy Data Model. Totum is currently at position 106 in Icecat’s 2019 brand monitor, and Bambolino Toys is at 384. Out of almost 1000 toys brands. “During 2020, I expect the visibility of these two brands to increase sharply in this brand monitor, as their key retail partners require free toys content through Open Icecat. A requirement that is now met”. – according to René Rozendal, Business Development Manager Toys of Icecat. “As the retail coverage keeps increasing, I also get more requests from brands to join.”

In case for more info about the Icecat Toys Data Model, please, contact your account manager, or register online.

Chief Business Development Officer - Initiator of the Icecat toys data model together with the toy industry

René Rozendal

Chief Business Development Officer - Initiator of the Icecat toys data model together with the toy industry

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