“Passionate” Tech and Electricals Retailer AO.com Calls its Vendors to Improve Consumer Experience

Leading online retailer AO.com joins Icecat

AO.Com, “passionate about tech and electricals” is an ‘online only’ retailer that now collaborates with Icecat to improve AO’s consumer experience.

AO.Com calls all its vendors to register for Free Brand Cloud. In this free to use tool, brands can immediately start entering and enriching any kind of product information. Information like product titles, descriptions, specs, images, 360 degrees demos and product videos. Moreover, it helps brands to more effectively promote and position their products on the digital shelves of AO, improve catalog coverage and completeness of product content, and reduce the time-to-market for their new products. Product content entered into the Brand Cloud will be automatically ingested into the AO e-commerce environment.

Some of the great benefits for Vendor of AO.com:

  • Your product information goes straight to our database and ready to push live in minutes
  • As you update or add more information or assets, we’ll get real-time notifications and be able to push live on site immediately
  • Icecat is free to use – although there are some paid options available which utilise their editorial team
  • Once you’ve signed up, you can immediately start entering and enriching any kind of product information.

In addition for more information, please register online, contact Icecat project lead Reuben Bradshaw, or Georgia Platt of AO.

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