Icecool LIVE: Boost Sales with Enhanced Product Content

Avatar for Vittorio Marino

Having an online catalog with detailed product content is the first step to boosting your e-commerce. Make your users’ experience efficient and straightforward. The latest Icecool LIVE plugin helps you integrate all product content in real-time to support online shoppers’ purchasing process. Receive only official brand content via the Icecat service. This way, you can access the image gallery, videos, descriptions, and PDFs.


Icecool LIVE works via JavaScript technology, enriching your website in real-time whenever a user visits your product page. Thanks to the interactive and advanced content displayed, it increases customer engagement and boosts conversion rate.

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Discover Icecool LIVE in real-time.

Users can quickly grasp the critical product functionalities: thanks to specific comparison videos, they can even see how a product can work within a different setup, like a camera resolution, for instance.

Moreover, the Icecat Product Stories are also integrated via Icecool LIVE: the story of the product is told via multimedia and graphical content, enforcing the “reason why” each product can make a difference in your life.

Icecool video
Discover Icecool LIVE in real-time.


Using JavaScript, Icecool LIVE makes it possible to integrate Icecat product content within all most common CMS or any custom platform. Furthermore, when a user opens one of your product pages, the content is responsive and automatically adapts to the users’ devices template. Finally, there is no need to store data on your server. Without compromising your virtual storage capacity, you can access the content stored on the Icecat side.

Setting up Icecool LIVE

To set up the plugin, having HTML containers on your product page is necessary. For example:

<div id=”sheet_container”></div>

Once you buy Icecool Live, you can set your preferences. For example, you can define how and where content should be displayed on your product page. In this case, use the first configuration page. If your template or theme does not have any containers, you can contact us. We will set up the plugin for you.

Do you want more information? Please get in touch with us directly. The Icecat team can provide you with a coverage analysis to know in detail how many products in your catalog are available within the Icecat LIVE datasheets.

Avatar for Vittorio Marino

Key Account Manager Italy

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