Icecat Release Notes (110): coverage from file, import-export, taxonomy timestamps

Icecat Release Notes

The main highlights in these Icecat release notes for the 110 sprint are the timestamp changes for taxonomy files, the coverage from file to match brand product codes, and upgrades of the import-export tool. Furthermore, we discuss in these release notes that error messages are changed, we added a custom report for HP feeds and added text to the pop-up on a product page. The previous Icecat Release Notes 109 are here.

Timestamps in taxonomy files

We implemented timestamps (“Updated”) for one of the taxonomy files, namely SuppliersList.XML. In this way, clients have an instrument on how to see that a brand was added, for example, the previous day, or it is an old brand value. By including these timestamps, you update this taxonomy change more efficiently in your own e-commerce environment. Step by step, we will apply these timestamps to all taxonomy files, the so-called refs files.

    <Supplier ID="1" Sponsor="1" Name="HP" LogoOriginalSize="119902" LogoOriginal="" LogoHighPicSize="113825" LogoHighPicWidth="625" LogoHighPicHeight="642" LogoHighPic="" LogoMediumPicSize="83864" LogoMediumPicWidth="487" LogoMediumPicHeight="500" LogoMediumPic="" LogoLowSize="30145" LogoLowPicWidth="195" LogoLowPicHeight="200" LogoLowPic="" LogoPicSize="9425" LogoPicWidth="75" LogoPicHeight="75" LogoPic="" Updated="2020-01-28 16:11:59">
            <Name Name="惠普" langid="12" Updated="2020-01-28 16:11:59" />

Cleansed feature values for uncategorized products

We had on the feature value mapping interface many products from the category “Not Categorized”, although we typically can’t map these products feature values. Therefore, we stop sending uncategorized products to the value mapping interface.
Furthermore, we cleansed current value mapping tables in the feature mapping interface for “Not Categorized” products of HP.

Coverage from file (Backoffice): use GTIN as a 2nd key

When a user tries to match the coverage report and added to the file 3 columns – Brand Product Code (“MPN”), Brand name, GTIN (“EAN”). The current logic matched all logic via Brand Product Code+Brand and if we can’t find the product for this combination, we skip the product altogether. Now, like in the front-office, we also try to find the product via its GTIN. If we can’t find a product on the key Brand Product Code+Brand, we try to find the product via its GTIN key.

Import-export tool – search comments from the editor

Earlier we implemented the possibility to add comments for undescribed and “to do” products via the import-export tool. But, these comments were not searchable. For example, we wrote in the column “Status” that a product has “No image”, but in search when we choose in the field Status comment “No images” – we still couldn’t find our product. We added detection for keyword matches on the Comment field as well, for 100% coincidence with our search drop-down name for the following strings:

  • Incorrect product code
  • The category does not exist
  • No information is available
  • Obsolete product
  • No image
  • The official source does not exist.

As a result, you can find our products on search

Tracking – Error message changed from the system

If an editor added invalid data in the URL field, without https:// or with invalid symbols, we displayed a 400 error with some message. We changed this message to “Can’t save, not valid URL. Please change”.

Support of URLs in import-export tool

The new ATS can support a new field URL for the product “Undescribed” and “to do” implement this possibility for the import-export tool

Signify feeds support images

While inspecting WiZ product data-sheets quality, we noticed that images are sometimes weirdly transformed in Icecat. See the example. The cause was that we added incomplete parameters while importing Signify’s images: ?wid=2000, should be ?wid=2000&fit=constrain.
To resolve this, we modified the rule in the Signify import to add the ?wid=2000&fit=constrain parameter to all image URLs in the feed (and not just ?wid=2000).

External asset links for Reasons To Buy

Regarding images, we have the following logic in place. For images from sponsoring brands (Open Icecat), we link to assets on our own image server at For non-sponsoring brands (Full Icecat), we use external links. Now, we implemented the same logic for the digital assets related to Reasons To Buy.

Product page – customized message to brands

On the product page, every user who doesn’t have access to a non-sponsoring brand (Full Icecat) or restricted product, can send a request for brand authorization. In this function, we added a custom field where a user can add some personal message.

Show languages in 3 columns

On a small screen, the user can see our languages list in three columns instead of in two. This is relevant for our website users.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug to redirect a blocked user, that we blacklisted, to the captcha page for a manual anti-robot verification.

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