Icecat Release Notes (109): Brand Reviews, Intel specs

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Icecat Release Notes

In these Icecat release notes, we discuss the results of sprint 109. The main highlights of this Icecat release are that we completed the roll-out of near real-time XML, added three Latin-American locales and a reviews score in brand rank pages, and included Intel embedded specs in more categories. The previous Icecat Release Notes are here

Near real-time XML roll-out complete

We finished the roll-out of near Real-Time (nRT) XML. All XML users receive now nRT XML. We started the project in December last year. The main advantages of nRT are more timely syndication of product data and more flexibility regarding providing custom XML services.

Supporting Chile, Peru, and Colombia

Chilean Spanish, Peruvian Spanish and Colombian Spanish are now available in Icecat XML, JSON, and on as three new Latin-American locales. The advantage is that country-specific messaging for these locales can be supported now.

Peruvian Spanish, Colombian Spanish and Chilean Spanish are added to Icecat

Brand Rank Page: Average Review Score

We apply a new widget to display a brand’s average review score based on the tens of thousands of product reviews from our reviews aggregator See for example the average brand review score of HP:

The calculation is straightforward: the total of scores per each product / total number of products with a score.

Testseek widget on the Brand Rank pages

Another change on the brand rank page is that we removed the “International” locale from the “By country” graph legend calculation. As a result, the blue shades provide better differentiation between countries.

Local specs via import matrix

A new function for the editorial team is that they can add local specs via the import-export-tool. Before, they could only add the international spec value. To use this feature, a specific locale should be specified in the header of an upload matrix.

Local features in the import-export tool

Deactivate brand de-duplication in Title

We have the possibility to add a brand name to a product family, even when it is duplicating the official brand name associated with a product.
For instance, if the Brand is “HP”, and the product’s Family is “Omen by HP”, the auto-generated product Title will start with “HP Omen by HP…”.
Our default brand de-duplication logic removes the second “HP” string from the title unless the new check box “Disable brand name deduplication” is activated. Therefore, from now on, we leave it to the brand owner to decide if a duplicated brand name in a product title makes sense or not.

Deduplication logic for family and brand on title

Intel spec values in more categories

On behalf of Intel, we embed its spec values in products with “Intel Inside”. In this new release, we expanded the number of categories for which this is relevant. Here is the updated list:

  • Smartphones
  • Graphic Tablets
  • Stick PCs
  • Backpack PCs
  • Thin Clients
  • Embedded Computers
  • Server Barebones
  • Edge Computing Platforms
  • Network Surveillance Servers
  • POS Systems
  • Signage Displays
  • Smartglasses

Managing duplicate images

We added the deactivation of local product images if it is the same as an international (INT) image, which is not expired and still visible. In summary, we updated image gallery management policies regarding duplicates as follows:

  • Firstly, if we are getting identical images for the INT and EN locales, we should add these images to the INT locale of the product only with Visible=Yes; for other locales we then set Visible=No.
  • Secondly, if we are having in the system a duplicate image with locale=EN or other locales except for locale=INT, because we are getting the same image for locale=INT, then we deactivate all non-INT images and set Visible=Yes only for the INT locale.
  • Thirdly, if we are having in the system, a duplicate image with locale=INT, because we get from feeds the same locale=EN image, then we should add the EN locale to the image but set Visible=No for this duplicate image.
  • Finally, if we are having in the system a duplicate image with locale=INT which is expired or deactivated, because we are getting an EN image from feeds, then we should add the EN locale image to the product with Visible=Yes.

Assignment Tracking on search page

In our editorial PIM, we added a drop-down with the possibility to select products that have a URL and products with an empty Status field.

ATS - on the search page

Bug Fixing

We fixed a few font office bugs in this Icecat release as well.

  • We made the Tooltip fit the screen on the product page (Specs tab):
Specs tab tool tips fix
Case 1. When the content is not available for the user
Tool tips fix for Specs tab on the product page
Case 2. Feature description
  • We fixed the empty country drop-down in Austrian Deutsch (DE_AT) on the Registration page.
Country drop-down is again available on Austrian Deutsch (DE_AT)
  • The Story tab is now not visible when its content is not available for a user. An explanatory message is displayed.

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