Icecat Release (19062020): sneak preview Brand Rank page, AMP for product pages, and more image types are added

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Icecat Release Notes

Brand Rank page sneak preview

We deployed the first version of the Brand Rank page: with a brand’s global e-commerce rank score, a product data-sheet downloads graph per period, and general brand information. Soon, it will be made accessible via the general website on places where brand names are mentioned. Here the Sneak Preview.

AMP in product pages

Recently, we’ve finished mostly with adding Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) variants to static pages and now it’s the turn of the product page turn to get an Accelerated Mobile Pages framework. What for? Google caches such pages on its side and load speeds are thus dramatically improved for users.

Front Office: Performance improvement

Due to Icecat’s constant traffic growth, a user could notice that the website’s load speed has become slower than before. A number of architectural changes are applied so that the website speed is restored. But, still even more improvements are on the road map for coming weeks as we’re still seeing room for further improvements!

Front Office: links changes on Manufacturers and Channel partners pages

As we got frequently asked about standard pricing and APIs, we added relevant deeplinks to the Manufacturer and Channel Partner pages:

Manufacturers and Channel partners pages links adding

Front Office: custom DELL registration page asks for partner code

As requested by the client, we’ve changed the partner code field label into the DELL Partner ID and made it mandatory so that the field is more understandable for DELL users. For DELL it’s easier to understand which ones of its partners registered for free download of DELL’s product content.

DELL custom registration page changes - Partner code field

Product Stories statistics gathering improvement

In the scope of the Product Stories statistical information collecting task, we have implemented a new video-player and set it up to gather information about user interactions with such media content inside the product stories assets.

Partner code for assigned users

Added a new column in the brand profile (PIM) and gave the possibility to add a special code (Partner code) to every assigned reseller’s. The code assigned uniquely for a brand. The next step – we will create a scheduled report for Dell with this Partner Code.

New tag “Optional” in XML, JSON and XSD

Added the new tag “Optional” with parameter values 0 or 1 to the Icecat export files: XML and JSON.

Specifications tagged with Optional=”1″ are non-standardized specifications in Icecat. These specs are used only for supporting automated data imports from brands, to avoid losing attribute values.

Added new types of images in the system

In our system, we have tags for images. Earlier we had only five types of images. Now, we increased this to 18 image types. As a result, a user can see in our export these types of images as:



  • Timeline: resolved a case in which data-sheets would appear in the future (“in 2 hours”) on the Main page.
  • Fixed a case with an empty Reviews tab on the product page, and also fixed tab layouts

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