Sustainable Danish Brand dbramante1928 Streamlines Product Data Distribution

Icecat and dbramante1928

Today, we are thrilled to celebrate a new milestone in our collaboration with dbramante1928, the renowned Danish fashion and lifestyle brand established in 2011. dbramante1928 is dedicated to producing premium, eco-conscious fashion products, including mobile cases, backpacks, home office accessories, and various sleeves made from the finest, sustainable materials.

Furthermore, dbramante1928 prides itself on its sustainable manufacturing processes, using full-grain leather or recycled plastic to create beautiful and durable products that are both fashion-forward and environmentally responsible. Their commitment to sustainability is a reflection of their belief in responsible corporate citizenship and reducing their carbon footprint to make a positive impact on the world.

At Icecat, we share dbramante1928’s values of sustainability and are proud to collaborate with them. We have been working together since 2021, starting with the Danish language and expanding our operations to the German language as their brand grew. Our partnership has been fruitful, and we have been distributing more product data as their product range has expanded.

New PIM Integration

As part of our ongoing collaboration, we are currently developing an integration to dbramante1928’s PIM to automate the data fetching process and distribute product information even more easily across various channels. This integration will help to streamline communication between the brand and its customers and vendors.

Mathies Ludvigsen, dbramante1928’s E-Commerce Manager, notes that Icecat’s automated system has simplified communication with their customers and centralized communication flow from their marketing team to their vendors. The system has allowed them to achieve a fully standardized data structure, making communication easier and more efficient.

We are delighted to be collaborating with such a sustainable and elegant brand and are happy to help them strive through our services. At Icecat, we remain committed to contributing to a more sustainable world blended with technology.

Content Available

dbramante1928’s content is available in the Icecat catalog in both Danish and German. dbramante1928 invites all its partners to download the structured content of the Icecat catalog. All digital assets, such as product specifications, marketing texts, images, and logos, are available in its product datasheets. In addition to such basic content, users can also get rich media assets such as product videos.

Channel partners can choose from various formats to download the content, such as XML, JSON, CSV, or JavaScript to embed or upload content into their online webshop. Of course, manuals are available for each of these formats. Alternatively, users can choose some of the standard Icecat connectors, among others for Shopify, WooCommerce, Prestashop, Magento, etc.

Download Free dbramante1928 Content

If you are a dbramante1928 channel partner, you can use your Icecat account to download the free product content. In case you don’t have an account, please register online, contact your local Account Manager, or contact us online. And don’t forget to check out their website at for more chic, sustainable, and eco-friendly products!

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