Dutch eCom Landscape: Icecat, Syndy and Hatch Key Players According to IAB

Avatar for Wouter Maatman
Dutch eCom Landscape_ Icecat, Syndy and Hatch Important Players According to IAB

The task force eCommerce of the IAB, the Dutch independent industry association for digital advertising and marketing innovation, published its first overview of the Dutch e-commerce landscape.

This e-commerce overview mentions, Icecat and its subsidiary Syndy under “data pools and distribution”. Further, IAB mentions Hatch, as a leading global ‘Where-To-Buy’ solution provider. IAB defines “data pools and distribution” as “A portal where manufacturers and supplier make product content available to retailers. And, guarantees the quality and consistency of product content.” Icecat with its database of around ten million products if a heavy-weight in this category. Syndy is not only a data pool and syndicator but also a PIM/DAM player.

With this e-commerce overview, the task force wants to show marketing and communication professionals which key suppliers are active in the e-commerce domain. And, also how these companies relate to each other. In addition to the landscape, the task force compiled an extensive ‘roses of e-commerce’ overview. A large number of Dutch e-commerce platforms are in these spider diagrams. Among these are many of Icecat’s connected channel partners like Amazon, bol.com, eBay, Marktplaats, Kieskeurig, and Ingram Micro.

The Netherlands, the world’s best eCom landscape

Justin Sandee, Chairman of Taskforce E-commerce notes that “For the second year in a row, the Netherlands is in the first place in the B2C E-commerce Index. This global index ranks countries based on the quality of their e-commerce landscape. Surprisingly enough, there was no separate overview of the Dutch e-commerce domain before.”

Knowledge and insight

Wendy Pouw, director of IAB Netherlands says: “Marketplaces such as bol.com and Amazon, have an enormous visible influence on the orientation, search and purchase behaviour of consumers.” But, behind these portals, there is a whole world of less visible service providers. “As a result, the market is asking for more clarification and direction. It is fantastic to see that IAB developed this insightful document in such a short period of time.”

Avatar for Wouter Maatman

Digital Marketing Manager at Icecat N.V.

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