Avatar for Wouter Maatman
December 9, 2020
Dutch eCom Landscape_ Icecat, Syndy and Hatch Important Players According to IAB

The task force eCommerce of the IAB, the Dutch independent industry association for digital advertising and marketing innovation, published its first overview of the Dutch e-commerce landscape. This e-commerce overview mentions, Icecat and its subsidiary Syndy under “data pools and…

Avatar for Vladimir Demchuk
December 8, 2020
Icecat Release Notes

In these Icecat release notes, we discuss the results of sprint 109. The main highlights of this Icecat release are that we completed the roll-out of near real-time XML, added three Latin-American locales and a reviews score in brand rank…

Avatar for Floris Bartels
December 7, 2020
Xerox adds video content to Icecat

Xerox is an Open Icecat Sponsor for more than ten years already, using Icecat to syndicate its product content to its partners. Now, also its product videos are available via Open Icecat. Xerox produced a series of 22 short videos,…

Icecat xml

Open Catalog Interface (OCI): Manual for Open Icecat XML and Full Icecat XML

This document describes the Icecat XML method of Icecat's Open Catalog Inte...
 November 3, 2019
manual thumbnail3

Manual for Icecat Live: Real-Time Product Data in Your App

Icecat Live is a (free) service that enables you to insert real-time produc...
 June 10, 2022
Icecat CSV Interface

Manual for Icecat CSV Interface

This document describes the manual for Icecat CSV interface (Comma-Separate...
 September 28, 2016
 October 4, 2018

How to Create a Button that Opens Video in a Modal Window

Recently, our Icecat Live JavaScript interface was updated with two new fun...
 November 3, 2021
Addons plugins

Icecat Add-Ons Overview. NEW: Red Technology

Icecat has a huge list of integration partners, making it easy for clients ...
 October 27, 2023
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Manual for Open Icecat JSON Product Requests

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is an increasingly popular means of trans...
 September 17, 2018
 January 20, 2020
New Standard video thumbnail

Autheos video acquisition completed

July 21, Icecat and Autheos jointly a...
 September 7, 2021
Personalized Interface File and Catalog from Icecat

Manual Personalized Interface File and Catalog from Icecat

With Icecat, you can generate personalized or customized CSV or Excel files...
 May 3, 2022