Icecat testimonials are important. Therefore, Bill Gates once said: "We all need people who will give us feedback. That’s how we improve." Therefore, we continuously strive to apply this rule of ‘wisdom’ and ask our partners to share their opinion…
Version: 1.31, June 12, 2024 THIS CONTENT LICENSE (“License”) is applicable to any (Full Icecat) content service agreement with Icecat N.V., or any of its daughter companies like Icecat Content/Icecat Nederland B.V., Icecat Global B.V., or Icecat Content Sourcing OÜ …
Icecat takes over all shares in FMP Publishing A.B., the Swedish-based global aggregator and syndicator of professional and consumer product reviews, active under the name Testseek. Icecat buys out the current shareholders: founder Fredrik Engdahl and investor Netvalue BV. Icecat…