eCommerce Platform Allegro asks Vendors to Upload Product Content to Icecat


Allegro, the major online e-commerce platform in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), successfully uses Icecat product content. With the Full Icecat, Allegro has access to the complete Icecat catalog, which helps to improve and expand its own catalog. This will allow its online visitors to buy more products. Allegro is the key e-commerce platform in Poland, with over 16+ million accounts and 100+ million products selling monthly.

Benefits for Allegro vendors

Icecat provides a solution whereby merchants can manage their data and provide product data to the Allegro product catalog. Once a brand is registered, its editors can enter and enrich its product information immediately. Brands can also join the premium services of Open Icecat for unlimited or controlled content syndication to all their channel partners. Alternatively, set up a connection to Icecat’s push-API.

Why are brand owners and other vendors investing time and money in enhancing their product content for their online channels? Because sales shift from high street retail to high-traffic websites and business-to-business leads the way. Excellent product content allows channel partners to be more effective in promoting and positioning the brand’s products online, increasing engagement and sales conversion.

The main operational advantage for a vendor is that there is no need for significant investments in its own product information manager (PIM) and syndication infrastructures. It only takes a free Brand Cloud account to be in business. In addition, Icecat takes care of the support of all (60+) major world languages in its multilingual taxonomy. This guarantees that a product data-sheet entered once will be automatically available in all these languages!

Furthermore, digital rights management to limit syndication to authorized resellers only is available in case of advanced brand requirements.

How to join Free Brand Cloud?

After a brand owner registers, it can immediately start entering and enriching its product content, including product titles, descriptions, specs, images, 360 degrees product demos, videos, feature logos, sustainability data, and Enhanced Product Stories.

There is a tutorial available on editing data via Icecat Brand Cloud. To register, follow these steps:

  • Firstly, sign up for a free Icecat account.
  • Secondly, Confirm your e-mail address.
  • Finally, contact Icecat to assign your brand to your account.

In case you need more information, please get in touch with your local account manager, or contact us directly online.

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