Interactive Webinar for Xerox® Resellers: How To Boost Online Conversion Rates with Inline Content

Icecat Invites All Xerox Resellers To Join Webinar

Are you a Xerox reseller looking to enhance your e-commerce site’s performance and increase profitability? We have great news for you! We are teaming up with Xerox® Corporation to bring you an exclusive webinar. Join us on the 1st of June at 2pm GMT/3pm CET for a 30-minute interactive session that will reveal the immense potential of Xerox’s rich content in driving conversion rates and maximizing profitability for your business.

Key Topics Covered in the Webinar

  1. Why you need inline content: Understand the importance of rich media in capturing customer attention and driving conversions.
  2. Adopting inline content increases profitability: Discover how integrating Icecat’s powerful solution can positively impact your bottom line.
  3. What is Icecat and how to implement inline content: Learn about Icecat’s capabilities and gain insights into the seamless implementation process.
  4. How to import/display Xerox inline content at a technical level: Explore the technical aspects of integrating Xerox inline content into your existing system.
  5. Q&As: Engage directly with our experts and get answers to your specific questions.

Take Advantage of This Unique Opportunity

This exclusive webinar is open to all Xerox resellers, and we encourage you to invite your colleagues who may benefit from this valuable information. By attending the session, you will gain practical knowledge on leveraging Xerox’s rich media to optimize your product information, ultimately boosting sales and customer satisfaction.


To secure your spot at the webinar, simply click on the link below and register today!

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