De Boer Calls all its Vendors for Toys and Outdoor Playground Objects to Use Icecat


De Boer Drachten, big in toys, DIY, and agrarian products, calls its vendors to enrich its product content. “Not just with a product title and description, but also all specs, images, 360 degrees demos or Youtube videos. To put products in the spotlights. Since September, we connect to Icecat, and we would like to see all our vendors send us all their product content through this connection”, according to owner Hendrik de Boer. Brands that already are participating in Open Icecat are for example LEGO, AXI, STEP2, and Van der Meulen. 

The advantages of co-operating with Icecat:
– Quick placement of a brand’s products in the shop
– Increase of online visibility of a brand’s products
– Increase of the online assortiment because of automated content distribution
– Timely fixing or enrichment of published product content
– Optimized content to help consumers better decide what to buy, leading to less returns
– A brand’s product content is also available to other (official) channel partners of the brand.
– Low cost. 

Hendrik de Boer says further. “We believe this contributes to selling more products online. And advise all our vendors to investigate how to collaborate with Icecat.”

Regarding toys free Open Icecat is used by De Boer. A brand can start with the cost-effective subscription plans for Open Icecat, enabling a brand to feed its product content to all its resellers.

Contact your account manager at Icecat, or register online.

Chief Business Development Officer - Initiator of the Icecat toys data model together with the toy industry

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