Improve Brand Awareness with Google Manufacturer Center Solution


In making or breaking an online sale,  great content is a differentiating factor.  Since 2001 Icecat specializes in standardizing and optimizing product data for online consumption. We are happy to announce that, from now on, we offer integration for accurate product content into Google Manufacturer Center.

Join us for a workshop by Google & Icecat on April 12th at 10:00 AM at the Google office in Amsterdam! During this event, Google will explain how to leverage Manufacturer Center to improve Brand awareness across the Google’s Shopping ecosystem.

Google Manufacturer Center is a tool for Brands to help them make sure their products are listed on Google Shopping, Search and other Google services. Listing on these services in combination with product knowledge and rich digital assets used correctly will boost the enthusiasm and grow the customers’ confidence in your brand.

Icecat integration with Google Shopping ecosystem provides a tool to make sure your Brand awareness and online sales can continue to grow organically.  We will cover different topics together on how to distribute your product communication over various channels and how this will benefit your brand in multiple ways:

  • Differentiating and facilitating Google’s data attributes
  • Improving GTIN’s within Google Manufacturer Center (sales conversion boost up-to 20%)
  • Coverage of the Google Manufacturer Center data model

Feel free to join this 2-hour session in Amsterdam. Space is limited so if you are interested in participating, please send an email to stating your name, company and number of people joining.

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