Win Free Product Stories & Full Icecat at Webwinkel Vakdagen 2023

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Icecat Webwinkel Vakdagen

Icecat is thrilled to announce its participation in the upcoming Webwinkel Vakdagen 2023 edition on the 29th and 30th of March. This exhibition is the central meeting platform for the entire ecommerce sector and is the biggest leading Dutch ecommerce exhibition in the Benelux. 

As a leading provider of product content management solutions, Icecat is excited to showcase its latest innovations. We demonstrate how we help brands improve their online presence and drive sales.

Don’t miss out on the chance to see Icecat’s innovative product content solutions in action! Join us at booth 214 and experience a first-hand demo of our cutting-edge solutions. Our team of experts will be available to answer your questions and help you identify the best solutions to meet your needs.

Visitors who subscribe and leave their contact details can win exciting prizes. This includes up to 50 free Product Stories for Brands and a free year of Full Icecat for Retailers.

Free Product Stories for Brands

Icecat’s Product Stories feature is a game-changer for brands looking to enhance their online presence and drive conversions. With the free creation of 50 Product Stories, brands can present their product content in a visually appealing and consistent way across all channels. Furthermore, this can help brands improve visitor engagement and conversion rates on retailers’ product pages.

Product Stories are unique because they are customizable to fit a brand’s look and feel.

Retailers can integrate enhanced content with ease, using just a few lines of JavaScript. This ensures a seamless experience for their visitors. A recent A/B test conducted by a major toy retailer revealed that using Product Stories can increase conversions by up to 30%. This significant improvement underscores the power of compelling product content in driving sales.

Moreover, Product Stories are not limited to just toy retailers. Brands across various industries, including electronics, appliances, and fashion, can benefit from this feature and enhance their online presence. Icecat’s Product Stories feature offers brands an excellent opportunity to improve conversion rates and engage their visitors more effectively. With customizable content that is easy to integrate, there’s no reason not to try the Icecat Product Stories.

Full Icecat Subscription for Retailers

Icecat offers a comprehensive product content catalog of over 14 million products, free of charge. But that’s not all. The Full Icecat service provides complete brand and content coverage in 70+ languages for those looking for even more extensive coverage. This includes non-sponsoring brands. With Full Icecat, you can lower the costs of content information and optimize the quality of product content. But most importantly, provide an improved shopping experience for your visitors. By offering a full range of brand information, you can ensure that your customers have all the details they need to make informed purchasing decisions.

Full Icecat can also help increase your visitors’ conversion rates by providing detailed and accurate product information. With product content in multiple languages, you can reach a wider audience and expand your business globally.

In short, whether a small business or a large corporation, Full Icecat service is an excellent tool to enhance your product content and optimize your online shopping experience.

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