Update: WooCommerce Icecat Connector Version 1.3 includes Update Title block and Media Objects

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WooCommerce Icecat Connector Version 1.3

Iceshop further improved its WooCommerce connector. In the Woocommerce Icecat Connector version 1.3, it is now possible to update media objects, for example, PDFs, in your WooCommerce environment backend.
The connector does this by synchronizing the PDF URLS from Icecat. And next store the URLs inside the WooCommerce PDF field (field set by the Icecat Module). The latest version 1.3 feature development was partially made possible throughout one of our WooCommerce Connect users Delfi Technologies Denmark. In the previous release, the option of adding global attributes was added to set filterable attributes in your frontend.

We want to grow our webshop, and one of the ways we can do this is by making more products available on our webshop. Delfi sells handheld terminals, barcode scanners, and label printers. All have a very precise data specifications, which means that the data available on the products must be correct so that our customers do not order wrong products.

When creating products manually, it is inevitable not to make mistakes. Therefore, Delfi was looking for a automated solution to quickly and accurately add products. With the Icecat connector Delfi goes from 500 to 5,000 products in a very short time. A task that would take months to do manually.

Jonas Emil Pedersen, Digital Marketing Specialist at Delfi Technologies Denmark


The connector only imports the PDFs as URLs into a WooCommerce field. So if you wish to download these as “files” and show the files on the WooCommerce webshop frontend as well, you would still need to implement a PDF download script.

Wish to use the PDF URLs? Ask us for the upgrade to the latest WooCommerce Connector version and we will take care you will receive the update package.

Next to this, we have added a new option to disable the updating of “product title” from Icecat. This is convenient for users who wish to use the Icecat content, like images, descriptions, attributes. But still like to use and manage their own product title, for example, for SEO optimization purposes.

So it will be fully up to the WooCommerce Connector users whether they would like to use the titles from Icecat or own titles via a flexible yes/no setting. Wish to modify /lock other content? Like own images, own specs? It is still possible to lock items on the product level using the “content lock” feature in the connector. Still not enough and wish full management and control? Use our Icepim solution, which also seamlessly connects to WooCommerce!

Benefits WooCommerce Icecat connector version 1.3?

The Woocommerce Icecat connector enables the automated enrichment of products within a WooCommerce assortment. The rich product content is directly ingested from the Icecat catalog. Also, it is possible to use the connector in combination with other Iceshop WooCommerce connectors for assortment integration and e-ordering.

Are you using Icepim as well? In that case, you will be able to manage the searchable attributes and select those you want to highlight on your webshop.  Besides that much more possibilities using Icepim.

Apart from the continuously improving Icecat Connector and smooth Icepim integration, WooCommerce is an uprising platform, showing great potential and flexibility to grow even further. So if you wish to set up a WooCommerce e-commerce solution including Icecat integration, contact us directly.

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