This was e-Commerce 2021: What is Here to Stay?

Avatar for Wouter Maatman
e-commerce trends in 2021

Which e-commerce 2021 trends are here to stay? Here are five e-commerce trends we witnessed in 2021 that I expect to stay and become even bigger in 2022.

Live Commerce

In 2021 we have seen a rise in Live Commerce. There are different types of Live Commerce. Online marketplaces have a big influence. Marketplaces, ranging from Alibaba, Amazon, and eBay to local marketplaces like Bol, allow online shoppers to buy and sell products without ever leaving their homes. But the addition of live video streaming is vital to keeping buyers interested.

Online auctions are also big business, and real-time video delivery is critical Live video streaming enriches digital presence. Furthermore, influencer streaming is popular. Thanks to social media such as TikTok and Instagram, the influencers have a platform to stream their content to their audience.


Sustainable is one of the buzzwords of e-Commerce in 2021. Due to the climate crisis, consumers rethink their shopping habits. In addition, because of the pandemic-related closings of brick and mortar in the past two years, a switch to online shopping was inevitable. As a result, a significant number of shoppers got dazzled by the convenience of e-Commerce and stayed online even after the stores reopened. However, the convenience comes at the cost of a heavier impact on the environment due to shipping, packaging, and potential returns.

According to research, conscious online customers are more likely to switch to more sustainable brands than go back to shopping offline. As shoppers’ consciousness increases, brands are forced to review their environmental impact and take action. This trend is the most apparent in the fashion industry, as it is also one of the biggest polluters. Since even typical fast fashion brands are shifting focus on sustainable production, high-quality materials, and repairs instead of tossing, it is safe to say that this trend is here to stay. As a result, we can also expect further growth in B2C and C2C resale of pre-owned apparel.

Cryptocurrency becoming mainstream

2021 has been an important year for cryptocurrencies. The decade-old technology caught the attention of investors and regulators attention and managed to become a part of the mainstream. As the world prepares for Web 3.0, people have now been exposed to the idea of adopting the digital ecosystem for currency in the form of digital tokens instead of cash. Some highlight in the 2021 cryptocurrency market:

  • Elon Musk’s $1.5 Billion Investment
  • Crypto Clampdown In China
  • El Salvador Became The First Country To Accept Bitcoin As Legal Currency
  • Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) Go Mainstream
  • Web 3.0
  • Cryptocurrency Bill In India

Adoption of NFTs

NFTs have been gaining importance across various industries. For example, we explained how toy brands use them, the fashion industry, and if there is a use case for an Icecat NFT. NFTs (non-fungible tokens) have been a new way to make money online. Images, domain names, artworks, and music can sell as NFTs. All NFT’s have smart contracts attached to them and are goods you can obtain in exchange for crypto, typically Ethereum. Thousands of digital creators and artists are looking to cash in on this trend.

Rising Metaverse

Explained as simply as possible, the metaverse is an online world where you can game, communicate, work and spend your free time. The interest in virtual spaces was expedited due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Currently, most spaces still look like the inside of a video game, but companies are increasing their efforts to push those bounds forward. In addition, as most jobs and schooling take on the hybrid model, there is a demand for online interaction to be more lifelike.

If the metaverse is really going to happen, it will be interesting for companies to think about the possibilities. Imagine launching a new brand in the metaverse. What would that look like? Maybe you let the visitors of the metaverse help build your product? Facebook wants to be the first company to build the Metaverse. One of the reasons they recently changed their name to Meta.

Avatar for Wouter Maatman

Digital Marketing Manager at Icecat N.V.

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