Icecat Release Notes 125: supporting Repairability Index feature, and making gallery and restriction blocks in Brand Cloud multilingual

release notes

In these Icecat Release Notes 125, we discuss supporting multimedia objects for the Repairability Index. Further, we applied the multilingual interface to the image gallery and publication restriction blocks in the Brand Cloud. Finally, we discuss several minor fixes and other updates of the Icecat environments. We described previous updates in the Icecat Release Notes 124.

Added new Multimedia object “Repairability index”

Since short, we import a new feature “Repairability index” because of an HP requirement. This feature requires the support of related multimedia elements. For this reason, we have added a new multimedia object type to our REST interface. Finally, we apply autotests for file conformity checks.

Public restriction block and Gallery block became multilingual

In our Free Brand Cloud (Icecat PIM), we redeveloped the public restriction and gallery blocks as well to be fully multilingual. From now on, our translations team takes care of translating the related interface tokens.

Thumb nails missing from several export formats

We fixed the thumbnail images response on Icecat LIVE and also on the search and product pages. Because there were situations in which there was no correct thumbnail image response.

Thumb nails missing from several export formats

Server-side rendering of Manufacturers pages

To improve our SEO score, we applied server-side rendering to manufacture-related pages. Thus, all the links below are now processed on the server-side.

Server-side rendering of Manufacturers pages

Create a limitation of simultaneous processes in queue

In order to reduce the load on the routines that process tasks in a system queue, we had to create a limitation on the number of simultaneous processes running at the same time in our queue. This prevents a queueing challenge.

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