Online Lead Generation to Boost Sales? My Approach

Online Lead Generation to Boost Sales

Last week, I started a leadgen internship. There are various ways to do online lead generation (short: leadgen). For example, via email marketing, content marketing, search engine optimization, social media, or paid advertising. According to a State of B2B Marketing Report from Wpromote, 89% of B2B marketers use LinkedIn for lead generation. And 62% say it generates them leads. This is over two times more than the next-highest social media channel. Icecat has the same experience.

Since the COVID-19 pandemic online is key. This means that lead generation is as important as ever, but needs to happen online. There are no business shows, currently. This is one of the reasons I decided to generate Icecat leads via LinkedIn.

Based on my first experiences, about 30% of the connected leads responded. During my research, I will verify which factors affect the results.

LeadGen internship

My name is Sanne Oostveen, 19 years old, and I live in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. And I am an intern at Icecat to support lead generation. Currently, I am in the second year of study business administration at the Hogeschool Rotterdam.  During my internship, which is for two months, I will study the differences in culture within Icecat. At the moment, we are with more than 170 people coming from different parts of the world. This multicultural environment creates a unique atmosphere. And, the same is true for its user base.

If you have any questions about me, my internship, or shared interests, please let me know so I can reach out. I work mostly from home, but I am looking forward to speaking to every colleague and Icecat relation.

I am looking forward meeting you all!

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