
Monclick integrates Huawei Product Stories via Icecat

Monclick integrates Huawei Product Stories via Icecat. Monclick, one of the first Italian e-commerce retailers, specializes in sales of IT, Electronics, Appliances, Games, and Telephony products. It is the third big e-commerce retailer in Italy that successfully integrates Huawei product stories. Monclick integrates Huawei Product Stories to improve conversion and increase Huawei sales.

Huawei is the Chinese tech giant that is known by the public because of its smartphones. During the second quarter of 2020, Huawei became even the world’s top smartphone seller, overtaking Samsung for the first time. To stay number one, Huawei invests in online product stories to better explain its products to its consumer audience. Now, also via Monclick in addition to other e-commerce partners like Unieuro. Icecat enables this on top of the exchange of standardized product data-sheets.

Why Product Stories?

To tell the “full story behind a product” to the end-user is critical nowadays for seducing a consumer to choose a brand’s flagship product. It helps to communicate to a potential customer the compelling features of a product that distinguishes it from competing products.

Compelling product descriptions and imaging do not just convey what a brand’s product is about, but also why a customer should buy it. Or can’t live without it. Product stories might highlight the use cases of the product. But, might also give a feel for the product experience and its coolness: why others are buying it. And why you need to be seen with it.

A Product Story is, technically, an html5 minisite that can contain various multimedia elements like videos, feature explanations, 3D, and an image gallery. Advantages are, for example, that it reduces marketing and content expenditures as it is displayed in channel partner websites rather than on TV. A good and congruent Product Story also helps to maximize conversion and product sales. An estimate is that it enhances a product page’s conversion rate by 5-25% as it increases visitor engagement. And finally integrating relevant content and media is easy to do with just a few lines of code.

How to get Huawei Product Stories?

If you are a Huawei reseller and want to integrate Huawei Product Stories, you can use your Icecat account to download this free product content, register for free, contact us online, or your Icecat Account Manager,

Roberta Celi

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