
LEGO Leads Toy Vertical in Icecat Brand Rank Monitor H1-21

The category Toys has seen impressive growth, as it registered over 52 million data-sheet requests. That means a 194% increase as compared to H1-2020. Also individually, nine out of the top ten brands have witnessed growth in triple digits. The download request in the category Toys is rapidly growing. For example, LEGO, VTech, Spin Master, and Playmobil notice an increase of +240% in download requests compared to the same period last year. For LEGO to add Icecat Product Stories to their product content and makes these available for Benelux, Italian, and DACH region, significantly helped to raise the download requests. The top 10 is completed by Vtech, Spin Master, Playmobil, Bestway, Hasbro, MGA Entertainment, Mattel, Giochi Preziosi, and finally Zapf.

Other KPIs on Brand Rank Page

While statistics per vertical is something that we keep only for overviews like this one, overall brand analytics per country are visible in the front end. A brand rank per country is especially interesting for a brand’s local business representatives. Besides, as the internet implies globalization, Icecat can not resolve all views or downloads to an individual country. Some e-commerce users are international. And some individual data consumers browse anonymously.

Furthermore, Icecat also publishes a Brand Average Review Score. This includes the total number of reviews that contribute to the score calculation. Again, this is done for transparency. This daily updated statistic is also available for Testseek XML API users by default.

Finally, the data health score is visible. The brand data health completeness score is the average of the completeness scores of all product data sheets of a brand’s products, ranging from main products to supplies and spare parts. Again, brand editors can see the color changing of completeness.


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