
JumboDiset uses Icecat for content syndication

JumboDiset, the manufacturer of games, toys and puzzles, will offer its European Partners product information through Icecat Cloud Service for its brands Jumbo, Diset and King.

In the toy industry, the demand for complete and standardized product information is increasing. Good product information supports consumers in their purchasing decisions. And also, helps brands and e-tailers to expand the online visibility of products and increase conversion.

Icecat’s Cloud services provide a centralized and efficient way to manage product information via our Product Information Management (PIM) solution. The Icecat editor team processes the product information in the PIM. After that, the information is available for both JumboDiset’s internal use and for its channel partners. Partners that are able to integrate JumboDiset’s product information in their own web environment.

“The standard developed by Icecat for toy brands in cooperation with and FUN makes it more efficient for us to deliver product information to our European Partners,” says Stéphanie Smit, COO of JumboDiset.

“Icecat is delighted with the arrival of JumboDiset and its brands. Currently we are working with more than 40 toy brands. We see that the toys data model that we have developed together with and FUN has become the market standard which will benefit JumboDiset too” says René Rozendal of Icecat.

JumboDiset Group develops, manufactures and sells its products in Europe through sales offices in several countries. Furthermore, JumboDiset distributes toy and game lines for foreign companies and sells products worldwide.


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