ICURY Now Listed on NOCKS: Order Book ICY-EUR Filling Up Quickly

Order Book ICY-EUR after a few hours of being listed

ICURY is now listed on the Dutch crypto exchange Nocks, which is a top 200 crypto exchange in the world, and sets itself apart with crypto-to-euro trading pairs. NOCKS supports the ICY-EUR trading pair.

To kickstart trade, at least supply, an airdrop of ICY among NCKS hodlers has been performed by NOCKS. This airdrop has now been concluded. Just after a few hours of being listed, the order book is already filling up quite quickly, both at the Sell and Ask side (see the featured image above). Icecat’s airdrop 4, however, is still running to further stimulate the adoption of the ICURY and Icecat’s ecommerce syndication platforms.

Also at, ICURY is traded, mainly against bitcoin. On this exchange the ICY is priced around 0.025 USD.

KYC Compliant

Nocks is KYC (know your customer) compliant, and says that it’s DNB (Dutch National Bank) compliant as well. When registering at NOCKS, a user needs to go through a number of bank account and ID verifications, before the account is activated. KYC compliance is definitely a regulatory characteristic that is seen as critical for the future of the crypto market.


The ICURY, an erc-20 token, is treated as a loyalty token by Icecat. As an experiment users can buy an Icecat cap for 995 ICY. More such experiments will follow.

Founder and CEO of Icecat NV. Investor. Ph.D.

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