Dutch Listed Icecat Works on 2.0 Cryptocurrency ICURY

Overview data-sheet downloads Icecat 2010-2017

Icecat, a listed company in The Netherlands exploiting a unique and global open content catalog in the e-commerce market, is working on the creation and issuance of a so-called 2.0 cryptocurrency ICURY. The ICURY, Icecat CryptocURrencY, will be a crypto token accepted by Icecat and will play a role in payments and content creation in Icecat’s existing ecosystem. It is a 2.0 coin because an existing and profitable business issues the token with substance, running operational services, and a track record. Icecat is not just a startup with only a business idea.

ICURY is a crypto token to decentralize Icecat’s existing global product content syndication network, which already facilitates 18 billion downloads per year by tens of thousands of e-commerce companies. Icecat wants to use the token as pre-pay for its services at a minimum value. Next, the token can incentivize decentralized content production and syndication. Currently, Icecat produces around one million product data sheets per year. In a decentralized set-up, including token incentives, Icecat expects the production to increase to tens of millions of product data sheets annually. In its token ecosystem, independent Proof-Of-Quality checks are seen as critical, as users demand standardized and verified product content.

For the technical creation and issuance of the ICURY, Icecat is working on a technical blockchain pilot. As soon as the technical pilot is concluded, Icecat will announce its time schedule for the Initial Coin or Token Offering (ICO/ITO) of the ICURY.

About Icecat NV

Icecat NV, stock noted at Dutch NPEX, is a global publisher and syndicator of product information for the e-commerce market. Icecat NV, founded in 2009, works with some 68,000 webshops and hundreds of brands such as Philips, Sony, Samsung, HP, P&G, Lego, and L’Oréal.

Furthermore, Icecat includes the subsidiaries Icecat LLC (Icecat Ukraine) and Icecat Content Sourcing OÜ (Icecat Estonia), Iceshop BV, and participation Hatch B.V. The cost centers Icecat Ukraine and Icecat Estonia are responsible for hiring editor and software developer capacity. Hatch BV delivers smart “Buy Now” buttons that help manufacturers to turn their websites into measurable lead generators for their online retailers. Iceshop is a specialist in e-commerce-integrations and Product Information Management (PIM) solutions.

Interested in ICURY? Join the Telegram ICURY group:
https://t.me/icurycoin (download the Telegram App first!)

NL press release: PR-icecat-icury-blockchain-NL (pdf)
FR press release: PR-icecat-icury-blockchain-FR (pdf)
DE press release: PR-icecat-icury-blockchain-DE (pdf)
ES press release: PR-icecat-icury-blockchain-ES (pdf)
IT press release: PR-icecat-icury-blockchain-IT (pdf)
RU press release: PR-icecat-icury-blockchain-RU (pdf)
ZH press release: PR-icecat-icury-blockchain-ZH (Simplified Chinese)(pdf)
PO press release: PR-icecat-icury-blockchain-PO (pdf)
HU press release: PR-icecat-icury-blockchain-HU (pdf)
NO press release: PR-icecat-icury-blockchain-NO (pdf)
TR press release: PR-icecat-icury-blockchain-TR (pdf)
KA press release: PR-icecat-icury-blockchain-KA (Georgian) (pdf)
UK press release: PR-icecat-icury-blockchain-UK (pdf)
JA press release: PR-icecat-icury-blockchain-JA (pdf)
RO press release: PR-icecat-icury-blockchain-RO (pdf)

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