Icecat Release Notes 183: Brand-Specific Features Management and Enhanced PIM Search Filters

Release Notes

In Icecat Release Notes 183, we introduce enhancements to product information management. Furthermore, we are happy to inform our PIM users with new search page filters and more pure information about product technical specifications. Next to that, we roll out several additional improvements. For further details, please refer to the previous Icecat Release Notes.

Enhancing Purity and Precision in Product Information Management

In Release 183, our devoted developers unveiled a remarkable enhancement aimed at improving the experience of our PIM users. It’s no secret that different brands often employ their own unique technologies. This leads to the need for distinct technical features that cater to their specific products. Prior to this recent development, all brand-specific features were visible to every brand and category within our system. However, with this latest development, we have introduced a carefully orchestrated order to the system. If a technical feature is inherently tied to a particular brand, it will now be exclusively visible and accessible within that specific brand’s product. This means that such features will no longer clutter the interfaces of other brands. This is to ensure a more focused and streamlined user experience.

The advantages of this development are twofold. First and foremost, it empowers our PIM users to avoid human errors during product descriptions. By presenting only the relevant technical features within a brand’s dedicated space, users can work confidently, knowing that the features at their disposal are precisely tailored to their brand’s needs.

Secondly, this development guarantees a newfound sense of purity and order on the product card. The elimination of extraneous features ensures that each product’s information remains clear and concise. But it is also in perfect alignment with the brand’s unique requirements.

Empowering Users with Enhanced Search Filters in Our New Search Page

We are delighted to share the exciting news that our new PIM Search Page has undergone a transformation. It’s now enriched with a diverse array of filters designed to elevate your experience. While many of these filters are already familiar to our PIM users, we’ve introduced some exciting upgrades that promise to make user’s searches even more efficient and precise.

One of the standout improvements is the revamped, more compact view of our search filter. This streamlines the user search process, making it easier and more intuitive than ever.

Introducing new filters:

  • Assets Filter: Now, users will notice a new addition – the “Assets” filter. This feature empowers users to select a specific asset and subsequently refine the search to a particular language associated with that asset. This enhancement allows for a more targeted and language-specific search, ensuring users find precisely what they need.
  • Quality Filter: The “Quality” filter has received a notable upgrade. It’s now a multi-select filter, enabling users to choose more than one quality state simultaneously. This flexibility lets users identify products that meet multiple quality criteria, streamlining the product selection process.
  • Period and Date Added Filters: Within the “Period” and “Date Added” filters, users will find the option to filter products based on a specific end-of-life date. This feature is especially useful for planning and managing products with designated lifespans.
  • “Show End-of-Life Products” Checkbox: We’ve introduced a convenient checkbox that allows users to focus the search exclusively on products that are not yet obsolete. This way, the user can easily locate and work with current and active products, saving time and effort.
  • Approval Filter: The “Approval” filter is a valuable addition for those seeking products that have passed rigorous quality assurance checks or have been reviewed and approved by specific brands. It’s a quick and efficient way to identify products that meet stringent quality and brand-specific standards.

These enhancements represent our ongoing commitment to providing you with the tools you need for a more productive and effective product management experience.

Other Improvements in Icecat Release Notes 183:

  • Mobile-Friendly Channel Partner Registration
    One of the highlights of our latest upgrades is the significant improvement to our Channel Partner Registration page, specifically in the mobile view. We understand that many of our users rely on mobile devices for their tasks. With this upgrade, our mobile registration page is now aligned with the desktop version. The design creates a unified and consistent experience across all devices. Whether you’re on a computer or a smartphone, registering as a channel partner is now more seamless.
  • Streamlined Sitemap Generation
    Another important development revolves around our sitemap generation process. We have addressed a common issue where the old sitemap was removed, but the new sitemap was still in the generation process, causing a gap in access. With the recent changes, this gap has been entirely eliminated.
  • Tooltips in PIM Description Block
    Transparency and ease of use are paramount for our PIM users. To that end, we’ve introduced tooltips on our product pages to make navigation and data retrieval more straightforward. These tooltips offer valuable guidance, indicating precisely where in the XML and JSON files specific assets can be found. This additional layer of information is designed to enhance the user experience, making it easier for our users to locate the data they need quickly and efficiently. These tooltips are not limited to our PIM product pages. But they are also available on, ensuring that our users have access to helpful information wherever they are within our platform.

Please stay tuned for our upcoming updates, as we are committed to continuously innovating and enriching your Icecat experience. Your feedback and support are of utmost importance in driving these enhancements forward. Feel free to reach out to us with your thoughts and comments at or via our contact page. We appreciate your active involvement.

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