Icecat Release Notes 172-173: Improvements in Copy Product Functionality and Partner Invitations

Release Notes

Icecat Release Notes 172-173 introduce a range of enhancements and upgrades across various areas. We have improved our Copy Product functionality and enhanced the management of partner invitations for Brand Users. Additionally, we have made advancements in video management, including the implementation of Age Rating functionality. Furthermore, we have successfully migrated to Pipedrive, upgraded to MySQL version 8, and implemented several other changes. For further details, please refer to the previous Icecat Release Notes.

Enhanced Copy Product Functionality

We are excited to announce significant updates to the Copy Product functionality in Icecat PIM, aimed at improving user experience and streamlining product management. Building upon our previous enhancements, we have introduced new features that enable users to copy product features and names effortlessly. This empowers vendors to create new product listings with ease, saving time and ensuring consistency.

Additionally, we have enhanced the user interface by introducing a convenient “Select All Assets” function that allows users to choose all assets for copying with a single click. Furthermore, the option to select assets by blocks provides users with greater flexibility and control throughout the copying process.

Improved Video Management and Age Rating Functionality

We are pleased to bring you the updates to our Media API, enhancing video management capabilities and introducing age rating functionality. Users can now change the titles of existing videos, allowing for easy updates to meet specific requirements. Furthermore, calling videos via Icecat LIVE no longer requires the Owner ID from the user’s side, simplifying integration and improving accessibility.

To enhance the user experience on Icecat Live, we have implemented Age Rating and Age Gating functionality. The prominently displayed Age Rating Icon on the video player allows users to quickly identify the video’s age rating, ensuring compliance with content restrictions. We have considered age rating systems such as PEGI, USK, ESRB, and ACB, providing comprehensive coverage for different regions and content classifications.

Migration to Pipedrive

We are thrilled to announce the successful migration from Mantis to Pipedrive, a significant step forward in our efforts to enhance partner information management. This transition streamlines processes and improves operational efficiency.

Pipedrive’s robust integration capabilities ensure seamless data synchronization with our essential tools and systems, eliminating manual data entry and reducing the risk of errors or duplications. By centralizing partner information, we can manage it more effectively and provide an improved user experience.

Improvement Brand User Functionality: Improved UI and Invitation Notifications

In our ongoing efforts to enhance the user experience and empower our Brand Users, we are excited to announce the latest updates to Icecat’s functionality. 

One of the notable enhancements in this update is the improved UI. We have consolidated and streamlined the tab navigation for Brand Users, making it more intuitive and user-friendly. Previously, tabs were divided into separate sections, which could be cumbersome to navigate. With the latest update, we have merged these tabs into a single, cohesive interface. Users can now easily access different sections with the help of filters, allowing for a more seamless and efficient experience when managing their partner invitations in Icecat Vendor Central.

In addition to the UI improvements, we have introduced a valuable new feature – notification emails for Brand Users. Now, when a Brand User invites a partner to use Icecat, they will receive a notification email once the partner accepts the invitation. This notification serves as an important communication tool, keeping Brand Users informed and up-to-date on the progress of their partner onboarding process.

Other improvements in Icecat Release Notes 172-173:

  • SEO optimization. We have made enhancements to the hreflang attribute names. The hreflang attribute plays a crucial role in indicating the language and regional targeting of web pages to search engines. Additionally, we have upgraded our Webpack version to the latest iteration, Webpack 5. Webpack is a popular module bundler that helps optimize JavaScript and CSS files, improving the overall performance and loading speed of web pages.
  • We are pleased to announce that we have upgraded our database infrastructure to MySQL version 8, marking a significant milestone in our quest for enhanced performance and security. This upgrade brings a host of benefits, including improved query execution, increased scalability, and strengthened security measures.

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