Icecat Release Notes 159: Category Statistics Pages

release notes

In these Icecat Release Notes 159, we will explain the category statistics that we start to publish. Further, we will highlight the open data export on brand rank pages and some fixes. Please, find here the previous Icecat Release Notes.

Category statistics graph

Recently, we added a list of leave-level categories with most views and downloads on the brand rank pages. Now, a separate category stats page is developed that is accessible to our users by clicking on the respective category name from the brand rank page.

On this category page, you will be able to find a graph that highlights the following parameters for each category:

  • Icecat category rank
  • Number of downloads/views per category
  • Number of active e-commerce platforms per category downloading
  • Live views per category
  • Platform downloads per category

The abovementioned statistics are available for 90 days, 30 days, and 7 days periods.

In the upcoming iterations, the following metrics will be added to the category page:

  • Data health
  • Products (total and active)
  • Number of brands
  • Map diagram (Downloads by country) (Icecat Category rank and Data-sheet download %)

Export data possibility

Further, we implemented an open data policy. From now on, our users will be able to export the statistics data from the following pages simply by clicking the export button on the top of the respective page:

  • Brand ranking page
  • Brand search page

The statistics will be in the .xlsx format and available for statistical processing.

Other improvements in Icecat Release Notes 159:

  • SEO improvement. Fixed the problem on particular pages with no available data. We got a “302” error code that was redirecting to the main page. The 302-error code is a redirection message that occurs when a user is attempting to load a page that is temporarily moved to a different location. However, for such cases, a 404-error should be shown. Meaning that the page or the page information is not found.
  • Additionally, we fixed the problem where the completeness score differs between search and product pages.
  • Finally, we activated the BOL taxonomy in the Icecat vendor central.

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