Icecat Release Notes 157: Product Relations per Locale

release notes

In these Icecat Release Notes 157, we will explain the product relations per locale and highlight the improvements during this sprint. Please, find here the previous Icecat Release Notes.

Product relations per locale

Icecat introduces new behavior for product relations. According to the old policy for product relations, only 500 products were published, and all relations were treated as global relations (“INT”).

The new behavior allows us to expand the current limitation from 500 to 1,000 product relations and move the import of product relations to a ‘per locale’ mode. So, each product relation will have a language (“langid”) assignment. For all calls, the limitation of product relations is 500 by default. But, users will now be able to indicate their own desired limits. The following parameters are provided by an additional call parameter:

  • For XML files: ?relations_limit = (maximum 1000 for now)
  • For JSON output: &relationsLimit= (maximum 1000 for now)

We publish all relations in XML and JSON output files.

For example, if a user requests a Dutch product data sheet, the user will only get Dutch product relations. Plus, those relations that are not assigned to any other language (e.g., INT) if such relations are available for the requested product. In other words, NL product relations will be visible only in the Dutch data sheet.

Other improvements in Icecat Release Notes 157:

  • We resolved an issue with the product feed on the main page of website. The main page showed the products of hours ago. We made a fix. And now the latest updated products are again shown on the top of the main page.
  • External mirror links for YouTube videos are replaced with YouTube native links.
  • Fixed the loading problem with GTIN barcodes in Icecat generated product PDFs.
  • Removed logos of non-sponsoring brands from the brand rank search page.
  • Fixed a problem of a missing GTIN field for particular products on the Vendor Central product page.
  • Changed the product quality logic for HP products. The previous logic was changing the quality of the product once the completeness score exceeded 50%. Due to new logic for HP products, only after editors own a product, the quality changes to Icecat quality.
  • Fixed a problem of products with multimedia objects, which were absent in Personal Catalog Files (PCF).
  • Fixed a problem with FTP links not working in the front-office’s user login area.
  • SEO improvement: Fixed the titles of search pages in the search index.
  • SEO improvement: Fixed a problem with missing URLs in HTML tag amp-img.

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