Icecat Release Notes 126: repairability index, locale Swiss-Italian, multilingual GTIN prefix, and Clickhouse migration

release notes

In these Icecat Release Notes 126, we discuss the new repairability index and the new locale Swiss-Italian that is now live. Furthermore, we highlight the GTIN prefix for multinguality and the migration from Matomo to Clickhouse. Finally, we discuss several minor fixes and customer requests. The previous release notes are available here: Icecat Release Notes 125.

New “Repairability index”

The new multimedia object (MMO) “Repairability index” can now be added via the interface.

GTIN prefix column now multilingual

The GTIN prefix column is now multilingual. This means that this column is translated into 60+ languages.

Migration from Matomo to ClickHouse

We started moving the Icecat statistics from Matomo to ClickHouse. This migration will help us collect the statistics and create the reports faster. So, we will use this development to improve Brand Rank page calculations.

Bug fix brand dropdown while adding sub-brand to the brand

The bug fix in the brand dropdown when a user wants to add a sub-brand is now live.

New locale in Icecat: IT_CH (swiss-italian)

Per this release, the new locale Swiss-Italian (IT_CH) is live and available for users.

Fixed bug related to a List-type Feature

When a new translation of a feature value was added, it was not updated in case of a feature list. I.e., a feature which can contain multiple values (like a dropdown with multi-select).

XSS Attack via Icecat Live

Users had a possibility to make injections, but the potential threat has been eliminated.

Export archive of images

In one particular case, a user could not receive an archive of images. We improved the process that returns an archive of product images on via the user profile pages.

return the archive of images on in user profile

New “Upgrade to full Icecat” button to the Export tab in the My profile

In the Front Office there is a new button Upgrade to Full Icecat live. Users can see the button in the export tab in the My Profile section.

Upgrade to full Icecat" button

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