Icecat Present as Visitor and Exhibitor at Spielwarenmesse 2023


Icecat will be exhibiting for the first time at the SpielwarenMesse from the 1st to the 3rd of February. The SpielwarenMesse is the biggest toy exhibition in the world in Nuremberg, Germany. The exhibition is 100% dedicated to toys and has, for the first time, a dedicated hall for service providers in hall 7. There are more than 2,800 exhibitors from over 70 countries, and it is estimated that 60,000 visitors will visit the exhibition.

Icecat will showcase a demo of its toy content solutions at booth A-68 in Hall 7. We showcase the importance of using structured content from the Icecat catalog, the PIM solutions, rich content (Enhanced Product Stories), and content integration into your desired e-commerce platform via our connectors.

  • Date: 1st till 3rd of February
  • Hall: 7
  • Booth: A-68
  • Location: Nuremberg Messe, Nuremberg, Germany

Next to our presence at the booth, the Icecat team will also visit the brands and prospecting at the Spielwarenmesse. If you want to book already a meeting, please contact us directly via the website.

Chief Business Development Officer - Initiator of the Icecat toys data model together with the toy industry

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