
Icecat Offers Free Product Stories to Dutch “Toy of the Year 2023” Winners

Another year, another exciting announcement! In celebration of the champions of the Dutch “Toy of the Year 2023” competition, Icecat extends its warmest congratulations to all the winners, providing them with the opportunity to have Product Stories created for them absolutely FREE of charge. Our specialized team of experts is primed and eager to craft enriched content that accentuates the unique advantages of your products for your online customers. Furthermore, this bespoke content promises to empower retailers by amplifying their sales and elevating consumer interaction.

Toy of the Year 2023 Competition

This year, the expert jury consists of 22 specialists hailing from diverse backgrounds, all dedicated to selecting the most outstanding toys across 17 distinct categories, which are as follows:

  • Building and Construction
  • Crafts and Creative
  • Outdoor Toys
  • Children’s Games
  • Plush Toys
  • Dolls
  • Toddlers’ Favorites
  • Family Games (Up to 12 years)
  • Family Games (12 years and up)
  • Vehicles
  • Electronics
  • Steam (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math)
  • Action Figures and Playsets
  • Kidult (Ages 18+)
  • Durable Toys
  • Connoisseur Games
  • Puzzles

Now, here’s the exciting part! Within these categories, you have the opportunity to discover your favorite products and cast your vote. Our selection caters to all age groups, ranging from 0–3 years, 4–5 years, 6–7 years, 8–9 years, 10–11 years, 12–17 years, and even 18+ years. Rest assured, there’s a perfect pick for every age group.

The ultimate champion will be the product that garners the most votes, and you can exercise your right to vote by visiting us at

Speaking of top-notch product information, Icecat takes pride in its substantial presence in the toy category. We continually update and ensure the accuracy of toy product information to enhance your customer experience and satisfaction. In particular, the Icecat Product Stories contain a selection of multimedia digital assets, for example, video, feature logos and explanations, 3D objects, and an image gallery. See the video below as an example.

Benefits of Product Stories

The Icecat Product Stories can significantly boost your online sales by leveraging rich content that increases conversion rates. Additionally, Product Stories offer interactive elements such as hotspots, carousels, videos, galleries, and 360s that can increase consumer engagement and drive more interest in your products.

One of the other key advantages of using Icecat Product Stories is the ability to deliver brand-consistent content on product pages, ensuring that the look and feel of your online presence follow your brand’s visual guidelines. You can also use brand messaging to highlight the key selling points.

Furthermore, Icecat Product Stories offers a responsive design that adapts to visitor screen resolutions. This ensures that content looks great on any device. Do you want a free Product Story? Please contact our toys team directly, register for free, or contact Icecat online.

Chief Business Development Officer - Initiator of the Icecat toys data model together with the toy industry

René Rozendal

Chief Business Development Officer - Initiator of the Icecat toys data model together with the toy industry

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