
We are hiring! Check out all the job offers at Icecat

Looking for the next step in your career? Here you can find all open vacancies at Icecat!

Icecat’s Global Mission

Icecat’s global mission is to provide e-commerce partners with high-quality product content that helps their buyers make better purchase decisions, in any world language, in any country, in any app.

If you’re looking for a career in an international team with 10s of different nationalities, Icecat will provide you with plenty of opportunities to develop. Join us! Meet the team Teambuilding 2021: Successful First Post Lock-down Outing

Take a look at the currently open positions:

Sales and Marketing

Category Manager Fashion

  • Full time
  • Location: Icecat office – Amsterdam/Nieuwegein, Netherlands
  • Languages: English

Global Business Development Manager

  • Full time
  • Location: Icecat office – Amsterdam/Nieuwegein, Netherlands
  • Languages: English

SAAS/PIM Business Development Manager

  • Full time
  • Location: Icecat office – Amsterdam/Nieuwegein, Netherlands
  • Languages: English

Customer Support Engineer

  • Location: Ukraine
  • Language: English


Magento PHP Developer – Iceshop

  • Location: Nieuwegein, Netherlands
  • Language: English

Senior C# Developer – Cedemo

  • Location: Monaco
  • Language: English

Editorial Team

Icecat Content manager / database editor

  • Location: Ukraine
  • Language: English


Internships at Icecat

  • Location: Icecat office – Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • Language: English

If you’re looking for a career that will give you plenty of opportunities to develop, join us!


View Comments

  • Hi I'm based in New Zealand, do you have any remote roles or looking to expand this way? I have 7 years experience looking after eCommerce product content and a vast toolbox of project management, vendor and stakeholder relationships. I also speak Afrikaans , so dutch could be picked up easily if required Check out my linked in profile

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