Updated: FAQ and Presentation Investors Meeting H1-2022 Results


During the online Investors eMeeting about Icecat NV’s H1-2022 results, the board of Icecat hosted this well-visited interactive online meeting for its investors in depository receipts (DRs; Dutch: “certificaten”) of Icecat shares via NPEX.

Please find below the presentation and FAQ during the meeting:


What is the ultimate goal of Icecat? Enhance the business or grow by acquisitions? 

The goal of Icecat is to provide companies with any type of product data. We are currently not there yet as we see opportunities in other categories and in the US. But what is the smartest way to expand? Increase the position of the company. Therefore we are reaching out to former employees from competitors as Icecat is seen as a winner.

In the current bear market selling your business is not a smart decision. We have cash and are able to pay out dividends. Something we did last year. But when a potential buyer understands and appreciates the business, we will enter the talks. At the moment, we do not expect this (before the end of the bear market) within a timeline of two years.

Icecat is listed on NPEX, but what about offering new shares?

At the moment, we have sufficient cash after the selling of the Hatch participation and don’t need to raise money. There are potential acquisition targets and investments, for example, Virtuagym. We can finance these from our reserves and cash flow. We see on a shorter time horizon of 3 years enough business opportunities. We have weekly presentations of teams looking for investments, but we are very selective. In the end, it is all about valuation expectations which are different now compared to last year.

Do you consider a share buyback?

Yes, we did consider this. We have asked for buyback advice for Icecat, but given the limited liquidity, the buyback limitation is only 100k/year. In the current situation, it is also possible to keep buying shares via iMerge.


Icecat invites you as an investor in depositary receipts of Icecat shares via NPEX to discuss the results from H1-2022. We hereby invite you to participate in an online meeting about the recently published results and our investment policy. CEO Martijn Hoogeveen will present during the online Icecat Investors Meeting H1-2022 on Wednesday, September 7, 2022, from 16:00 PM. As always, questions are welcome.

  • Date: September 7, 2022
  • Time: 16:00 h (4 PM)
  • Video chat Service: Google Meet 

Registration is now open. So, would you like to be part of this? Then please, register now.

Uitnodiging Icecat investeerdersmeeting 7 september

Icecat nodigt u als investeerder in certificaten van Icecat-aandelen via NPEX uit voor een terugblik op de resultaten van het eerste halfjaar van 2022. Hierbij nodigen wij u uit om deel te nemen aan een online vergadering over de recent door ons gepubliceerde resultaten en ons investeringsbeleid. CEO Martijn Hoogeveen zal presenteren gedurende de online meeting op woesndag 7 september 2022 vanaf 16:00 uur. Zoals altijd zijn vragen welkom.

Datum: 7 september 2022
Tijd: 16:00 uur (4 PM)
Video- / chatservice: Google Meet

Inschrijving is nu geopend. Wilt u hier deel van uitmaken? Registreer dan nu.

  • commented on September 8, 2022 by Charles Hennen

    Heeft u voor mij de presentatie van de meeting van gistermiddag?

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