
Icecat Official Gold Partner of bol

Icecat is now a certified Gold Partner at bol, the dominant e-tailer and marketplace in the Benelux. Icecat and bol have had a longstanding collaboration in providing product information. With this Gold Partner certification, brands can be assured that Icecat meets the criteria set by bol for PIM (Product Information Management) tooling partners:

  • Data category mapping is done in a proper manner
  • PIM-tooling is a service that can be used as a single service
  • Connected to bol API and connectivity criteria/test
  • CE certifications are incorporated into the tooling
  • PIM-tool makes it possible to process videos and documents
  • Quality and IT security check by bol

How does this help brands?

Brands can easily manage and publish their product information on bol through Icecat. Icecat handles the mapping between Icecat and bol for the brand, ensuring that the product information is published on bol.

In addition to bol, thousands of other retailers and marketplaces also utilize Icecat, which allows brands to distribute and publish product information to other e-commerce platforms. This enables brands to save time and publish complete product information, resulting in an enhanced online experience for visitors and increased conversion.

Make product content available for bol

How do you make your product content available to bol? Please contact the Icecat Account Manager or book an online demo directly

English Press Release
Dutch Press Release

Chief Business Development Officer - Initiator of the Icecat toys data model together with the toy industry

René Rozendal

Chief Business Development Officer - Initiator of the Icecat toys data model together with the toy industry

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