Icecat Brand Rank Monitor H1-21 Top 10: Philips, Samsum and HDT lead in Home

Brand rank per vertical - Home

The second vertical that we will take a look at this week as a part of the H1-21 Icecat Brand Rank Monitor performance overview is the category Home. The top 10 brands in this category with the most product data-sheet downloads are Philips, Samsung, Hikvision Digital Technology, Bestway, Tefal, Art-Pol, Bosch, HID Identity, Dahua Technology, and Axis.

In short, the Home vertical experienced rose from approximately 3.7 million downloads in H1-20 to 8.3 million in H1-21. Year-on-year growth of 121%. Furthermore, each brand that reached the top 10 in this half-year recorded growth compared to the same period last year. This is also clearly visible from the graphic, where dark blue represents H1-21, and light blue represents H1-20.

Philips is clearly the leader in the Home category, but Tefal (282% growth) and Samsung (245% growth) are the brands that see the highest growth in downloads in H1-2021.

Other KPIs on Brand Rank Page

While statistics per vertical is something that we keep only for overviews like this one, overall brand analytics per country are visible in the front end. A brand rank per country is especially interesting for a brand’s local business representatives. Besides, as the internet implies globalization, Icecat can not resolve all views or downloads to an individual country. Some e-commerce users are international. And some individual data consumers browse anonymously.

Furthermore, Icecat also publishes a Brand Average Review Score. This includes the total number of reviews that contribute to the score calculation. Again, this is done for transparency. This daily updated statistic is also available for Testseek XML API users by default.

Finally, the data health score is visible. The brand data health completeness score is the average of the completeness scores of all product data sheets of a brand’s products, ranging from main products to supplies and spare parts. Again, brand editors can see the color changing of completeness.

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