Icecat to Attend IFA 2023: Join Us in Berlin, Germany!

Icecat at IFA Berlin

We are excited to announce our participation in the highly anticipated IFA 2023 in Berlin on the dates of September 4th and 5th of September. Since 1924, IFA has been the platform for tech launches, showcasing detector devices, tube radio receivers, the first European car radio, and color TV. IFA is the world’s largest consumer electronics and home appliances trade show. As we are celebrating 99 years, IFA has been at the center of technology and innovation. 

Connect with Icecat at IFA 2023

If you are attending IFA 2023 and want to learn more about Icecat’s offerings, we invite you to connect with Lana, Volker, Vittorio, and Martijn via LinkedIn to schedule a meeting. This year’s edition promises to be an exceptional opportunity to witness the forefront of technology, expand your professional network, and gain valuable insights. We hope to meet you there!

Business Development Manager D-A-CH at Icecat

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