How Competitor Analysis Helps You Create Landing Pages That Convert

Avatar for Wouter Maatman

To boost conversion rates, you can conduct a competitor analysis to understand their strengths and flaws. Therefore, we gathered tips from nine SEO and content marketing gurus, offering advice on examining your competitors’ landing pages to help you design your own.

Brainstorm, research, and compare

Find keyword strings that are relevant. Next, examine landing pages that are ranking on the SERP to see if any are similar to your product pages. Use a third-party tool to explore any URL’s organic search traffic and link profile. For example, use a mix of Ahrefs and SimilarWeb to learn about:

  • Visitor demographics
  • Traffic breakdown (ads, organic, social, etc.)
  • List of competitors from SimilarWeb if these weren’t already found

It is good to compare the landing page on both mobile and desktop.

Above all, to understand what your competitors are doing, you need to interact with them. Take note of direct and indirect competitors – businesses that sell the same service as you and others who fulfill the same need or solve the same problem.

Competitor analysis questions:

  • What CTAs are they using? Where do they appear?
  • How is the page laid out?
  • What creative assets are used? How?
  • Does the page use reviews, testimonials, or other social proof? And are they shared as images, text, or videos?
  • What about the user experience sticks out as inconvenient or clunky?
  • What makes the user experience great?
  • Which languages, colors, and fonts are they using? Do those differ with their CTAs?
  • Are they using tools to entice more conversions?
  • What is the price of the product or service being sold?
  • When and how do they discuss the price?
  • What statistics or data indicate the demand for this product or service?
  • How long is the text-based content? Does it feel overwhelming or just right?

Tips for content

Firstly, know who your target audience is. Do not try to address numerous audiences or items on a single page. Each service or product should have its product page. Gather feedback from customers. What exactly are they saying? What exactly do they require? And what are their aches and pains? Empathize when writing. Let them know you understand their suffering and irritations, and then offer your product as a solution. Incorporate social proof. Explain why your audience should buy from you instead of your competition. To establish trust and credibility, use customer testimonials, case studies, and client logos.

Avatar for Wouter Maatman

Digital Marketing Manager at Icecat N.V.

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