30 Percent More Visits to icecat.biz

Avatar for Wouter Maatman
Icecat webvisits

Thanks to successful Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and UX (usability) improvements like roll-out of Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) and solving Google-reported indexing issues for structured data and otherwise, 2019 became a peak year in terms of webvisits, with more than 6.6 million webvisitors to icecat.biz which is a growth by about 30% compared to the previous year. In total 28.5 million webpage views were generated, an estonishing expansion by 222% compared to 2018. With more than 26,000 brands and 7.8 million product data-sheets (PDSs) in the database, which can be represented in over 50 different languages, the total organic search traffic also went up to 35%.

Mobile vs. Desktop

Due to the fact that the Icecat sites are also seen as a business-to-business (b2b) authority for checking a product, or office work regarding manually collecting product data, Desktop visits (56%) still wins from visits with Mobile Devices (41%). Visitors on mobile and desktop came from all over the world, the Top 5 exists of Italy, United States, Germany, China and Spain.

Social Value

In terms of visits from social media, we see that Facebook is our most valuable channel with more then 80% of the “social” visits. LinkedIn generates the most conversion based on a 22% conversion rate. In 2020, we expect that the engagement with our social media channels will rise and become more important.

Outlook 2020

For 2020, Icecat we’ll further optimize design and SEO to generate more traffic and start building a corporate Icecat website.

Avatar for Wouter Maatman

Digital Marketing Manager at Icecat N.V.

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