
Listi e-Commerce Toys Platform for Kids Integrates Icecat Content

The online toy platform for kids, Listi, integrates Icecat toy content. With the holidays coming up, like Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Sinterklaas, and Christmas, it is key for toy brands and retailers to have their content ready and up to date.

In the past, kids looked up products from a physical toy magazine or in the store. Nowadays, we shop a lot online, and so do kids. For kids, there are hardly sites where they can orient themselves on toys and easily make a wish list, although children nowadays also have a tablet or smartphone. is for children who want to create and share a wish list. Thanks to the Icecat toys content, Lists can support the full shopping orientation process.

Icecat Toy Data Model

Listi conforms itself to the Icecat Toy Data Model. Icecat developed this data model for toy products, which is based on the input from leading retailers, brands, and the expertise of Icecat’s taxonomy team. The Icecat taxonomy is inspired by the NPD categories, and specifications and values ​​associated to these. Currently, the data model supports 60+ languages. Therefore, it is suitable for expansion to global markets.

If you would like more information about the Toy Data Model or other connected services, please register or contact us directly.

Chief Business Development Officer - Initiator of the Icecat toys data model together with the toy industry

René Rozendal

Chief Business Development Officer - Initiator of the Icecat toys data model together with the toy industry

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